Spotted by video surveillance, two minors wanted to burglarize a house in Seine-et-Marne

Spotted by video surveillance, two minors wanted to burglarize a house in Seine-et-Marne
Spotted by video surveillance, two minors wanted to burglarize a house in Seine-et-Marne


Paul Varenguin

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 12:12 p.m.

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Fortunately, they did not have time to take action. Tuesday June 25, 2024around 9h30, two young men, still minors, were arrested by the police in a residential area of Champs-sur-Marne (Seine-et-Marne) located between the castle gardens and the Marne, while they were trying to to burglarize a house.

Identified by the alarm

During the morning, the owner of the lodge, absent from his property, received a notification on his cell phone. Its video surveillance system, connected to the Internet, transmits the information that two people are in his garden.

The police were immediately notified, and, very quickly, staff arrive on site. The two bandits, one aged 17 and living in the town, and his 16-year-old companion, who came from Rosny-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis), fled upon their arrival. However, they will not go very far, since they will be intercepted in a neighboring garden

Thanks to the speed of the police, they did not didn’t have time to damage anything, nor to enter the pavilion. They were still placed in jail, while checks are carried out in the neighborhood. The objective was to verify that nothing had been broken in the surrounding area.

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