Solidarity in the face of loneliness: in Antibes, the town hall presented its heatwave plan

Solidarity in the face of loneliness: in Antibes, the town hall presented its heatwave plan
Solidarity in the face of loneliness: in Antibes, the town hall presented its heatwave plan

Lhe heatwave is not a problem of heat, it is a problem of loneliness. » In a few words, Jean Leonetti, the mayor, sums up one of the real societal problems which unfortunately comes up again and again during each summer period. Because yes, most people who are victims of heat are not victims because of the heat, but because they have not been sufficiently supported to cope with it.

A social bond above all

It is in this context that the City, under the leadership of its Municipal Social Action Center, presented, within the Pasteur autonomy residence, its 2024 heatwave plan structured around social cohesion.

“The City has developed the system Break the loneliness to encourage isolated, elderly and disabled people to drink, eat and open the window, explains Jean Leonetti. An elderly person loses taste and thirst, this must be understood.”

With this in mind, the kits prepared by the CCAS for people in need are above all pretexts for developing an essential social bond. “The fight against the heatwave requires dialogue, insists the mayor. We are also developing monitoring for SDS people (homeless people) who, due to alcohol, can quickly become dehydrated. Because we must not forget that alcohol is a strong dehydrator.”

Beyond the creation of prevention kits, the main communication poster of which was created by children – which makes it possible to highlight this intergenerational link – it is a global system that is put in place… throughout throughout the year.

An essential watch

“If our heatwave plan is activated in the summer for isolated people, our awareness system, particularly by health professionals, is in place all year round. Thus, they report to us people who are victims of loneliness and weaknesses, confirms Jacques Gente, first deputy, delegate for social affairs and solidarity. In addition, we are developing a real social bond thanks, for example, to the meal delivery service provided by the Municipal Social Action Center or through the passage of home help.”

A social bond which proves to be a real vector of solidarity.

As a reminder, in 2023, the city of ramparts was affected by 24 days of orange heatwave alert (level 3).

To deal with this, but also in a more general context, 2,000 calls were made to elderly and isolated people, as well as 1,000 visits carried out. An essential and welcome prevention which makes it possible to watch over the elderly but also over the entire most vulnerable population.

400 kits distributed

This summer season, no less than 400 kits will be distributed: 300 kits for people registered in the municipal register of vulnerable people and 100 kits for stable homeless people.

In the 300 kits, beneficiaries will find a cooler, a portable fan, a mister, a bottle of water, a magnet with the social monitoring number and a prevention kit in which a lot of information is indicated such as the 4 levels activation. In the 100 kits for SDS, a bucket hat, sunscreen, a water bottle and a mist bottle will be available to beneficiaries.

For any information, the CCAS social monitoring unit is available from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at



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