Social breakdown and globalization. Saupiquet relocates its production from Quimper to Spain and Morocco

Social breakdown and globalization. Saupiquet relocates its production from Quimper to Spain and Morocco
Social breakdown and globalization. Saupiquet relocates its production from Quimper to Spain and Morocco

Globalization constantly causes social breakdown. And a new symbolic example is currently taking place in Brittany: the Saupiquet factory in Quimper will close its doors. Production will be relocated to Spain and Morocco, from 2025. This decision, taken by the Bolton Food group, owner of Saupiquet for 25 years, puts an end to a long industrial history in Brittany.

Economic reasons for relocation

The closure of the factory is explained by economic reasons. According to employee representatives, the current situation, marked by inflation and the rise in raw material prices, has weakened the profitability of the site. Production of mackerel and sardines was thus halved in two years, going from 80 million to 43 million cans produced per year.

This relocation plunges the 155 employees of the factory into uncertainty and worry. Support measures have been put in place to facilitate their reclassification, with the help of a specialized firm and the support of local agri-food manufacturers.

The closure of the Saupiquet factory in Quimper marks the end of an era for the Breton food industry. This is a hard blow for the region and for local employment.

Only protectionist laws, and pressure on large industrial groups, would make it possible to save jobs, and an industry which is now moving, due to globalization, where labor is cheaper. The social consequences of this permanent search for productivity do not matter for these large groups which have no connection with the territory in which they settle.

Photo credit: DR
[cc], 2024, dispatches free to copy and distribute subject to mention and link to the original source



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