Coldplay in Lyon: here are the luxurious hotels where the stars slept

Coldplay in Lyon: here are the luxurious hotels where the stars slept
Coldplay in Lyon: here are the luxurious hotels where the stars slept


Julien Damboise

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 11:12 a.m.

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They have chosen some of the most luxurious hotels in the capital of Gaul.

The artists of the world-famous group Coldplay, in concert at Groupama Stadium on June 22, 23 and 25, 2024, slept in the prestigious Villa Florentineas well as Villa Maïain the 5th arrondissement of Lyon.

Renowned five stars

The leader of Coldplay, Chris Martin, as well as the other members of the group, therefore stayed at the Villa Florentine, located at 25 Montée Saint-Barthélémy, as well as at the Villa Maïa at 8 Rue Pierre Marion, a few meters away. from the entrance to Christian Tetedoie’s restaurant.

Both establishments are five stars with breathtaking panoramas from the heights of Fourvière hill.

Videos: currently on -
Villa Florentine offers a spectacular view of Lyon. (©Jan.Keromnes / Wikicommons)

Aligned on prices, the two hotels offer rooms at minimum 550 euros for one night, this Thursday, June 27. A price which gives access to swimming. An indoor swimming pool for Villa Maïa, on a terrace for Villa Florentine.

Confidential information

Contacted by news LyonVilla Maïa refuse any comments on this brand arrival. Management cites a concern for “confidentiality”.

For his part, the boss of Villa Florentine did not respond to our requests.

The mystery therefore remains as to where exactly Chris Martin slept, who took the time to pose for a photo with well informed fans who were waiting for the British artist in the neighborhood.

Coldplay fans were waiting for the artists outside their hotel. (©Instagram « cbo_artiste »)

The InterContinental shunned

The Coldplay teams thus made a different choice than another world star recently in concert in Lyon.

Taylor Swift had indeed stayed at the InterContinental hotel, another luxury establishment on the Quai Jules-Courmont, within the Hôtel Dieu, in the 2nd arrondissement. A place which had been distinguished, in particular, by the prize for the best hotel in France in 2022 by the World Travel Awards.

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