Acta Vista opens a new construction site at Mugel Park

Acta Vista opens a new construction site at Mugel Park
Acta Vista opens a new construction site at Mugel Park

The town of La Ciotat aspires to transform its heritage by restoring it and preserving it in order to provide an opportunity for inclusion for its inhabitants. After three years of rehabilitation and the renovation of eight buildings in the heart of the city, this ninth integration project aims to construct a building housing toilets in Mugel Park, entrusted again to the Acta Vista association which works in the integration of people looking for work.

These projects, managed by Acta Vista, made it possible to recruit, train and support socially and professionally 70 Ciotadens in difficulty. Wednesday morning, the laying of the first stone marked the start of this 9e construction site. This event symbolizes all the actions undertaken by Acta Vista for the city since 2021 and the benefits provided to people who are unemployed or looking for work.

The association’s main mission is to offer qualifying training in the construction trades to people looking for work and to develop integration and professional training projects. Every year, Acta Vista supports 500 people in difficulty, 2 out of 3 of whom find their way to employment and 9 out of 10 qualify for the exams presented. A salutary initiative.



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