Project management: ADM Projet continues its transformation by initiating a reorganization of its staff

Project management: ADM Projet continues its transformation by initiating a reorganization of its staff
Project management: ADM Projet continues its transformation by initiating a reorganization of its staff

Creation: Ezzoubair Elharchaoui

The national company of Motorways of Morocco (ADM) is moving up a gear in the overhaul of ADM Project, previously revealed by The DeskAccording to sources consulted by us, a call for tenders has already been launched to select the firm that will carry out the study on the reorganization of the ADM subsidiary specializing in the areas of project management, assistance to project management of civil engineering projects, as well as the operation and maintenance of infrastructure.

The study commissioned by ADM should be carried out in 5 months, our sources indicate, without specifying the budget that will be allocated to it. This should make it possible to develop a framework for the restructuring of ADM Projet, as well as to integrate a new management of human resources.

In other words, it should result in an agile organizational structure for deploying the company’s activities and identifying technologies capable of improving efficiency.

To achieve this, the study will have to be carried out in four phases, starting with the organizational and human resources diagnosis, in order to identify the main areas for improvement. The second phase will focus on developing a proposal for the new ADM Projet organization, which is aligned with the company’s strategy. The objective is to design a detailed target organizational structure, with a clear description of the appropriate scope of the new organization, as well as the attributions of the different positions that make it up. This step also aims to develop operational methods and new professions to support the implementation of the development orientations identified during the first phase.

This change aims to support the significant development that this structure has undergone since its creation in 1989, and which requires ” an adequate organizational response to ensure its ability to meet future challenges and seize growth opportunities that arise “, explained ADM.

As a reminder, the overhaul of ADM Projet, in addition to this reorganization, even provides for a change of identity and name: ADM Infrastructure will be its new name. The same scope of skills will be retained, we learned. ADM Projet takes care of all complex projects, like the Taddart road linking Bouskoura to Mohammed V airport.

For ADM, the subsidiary allows for optimizing costs as well as time for clients. In a previous interview with the DeskAnouar Benazzouz, former head of ADM, said more about the role of this structure which brings together all the technical expertise. The subsidiary is operational in Africa. Today, we are training Africans in the road and highway sector in 15 African countries with the Japanese. ” he said.

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