Rugby. End of adventure with Oyonnax for Mayennais Mathéo Lhuillier who returns to Rennes in N2

Rugby. End of adventure with Oyonnax for Mayennais Mathéo Lhuillier who returns to Rennes in N2
Rugby. End of adventure with Oyonnax for Mayennais Mathéo Lhuillier who returns to Rennes in N2

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National 2. After two seasons in Oyonnax with the Espoirs, Mathéo Lhuillier decided to return to Rennes. But at the REC, the rugby player from Château-Gontier had until then only known the academy.

After two seasons in Espoirs in Oyonnax, Mathéo Lhuillier returns to REC where he arrived in 2018. | OYONAX RUGBY

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  • After two seasons in Espoirs in Oyonnax, Mathéo Lhuillier returns to REC where he arrived in 2018. | OYONAX RUGBY

The end of the adventure in Oyonnax was not a surprise for Mathéo Lhuillier. “It was complicated and difficult for me. Because, in addition to it being an Elite structure in France, there were already two young people of my age in my position playing with the professional squad. So the club did not necessarily need a third young person.” The 3e line of 22 years will therefore not go further than two seasons in Espoirs with the professional club of Ain.

“Without injury, I might have been able to claim something else”

A departure without any hard feelings for the Mayennais. “It’s a disappointment not to be kept, but in…



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