How the mayor of Cannes David Lisnard intends to influence the right, with a new political offer

How the mayor of Cannes David Lisnard intends to influence the right, with a new political offer
How the mayor of Cannes David Lisnard intends to influence the right, with a new political offer

One of the political figures of the Maralpine west presents his own candidates, on the Riviera and as far as Paris. Thus marking its difference with Les Républicains.

A new step taken by David Lisnard. Despite the haste with which these anticipated legislative elections were launched, the mayor of Cannes managed to nominate more than 70 candidates under the banner of his own party, Nouvelle Énergie, and not only in his stronghold on the Côte d’Azur, far away. ‘needs some.

Can this new formation renew the traditional right, which has been in poor shape since 2012, and even more so since Republican President Eric Ciotti joined Marine Le Pen?

“True liberal party”

The Cannes information site Riviera Tribune questioned a political journalist well aware of David Lisnard’s projects on this subject.

Quentin Hoster published a book last year in immersion with the elected representative of the Riviera, including Nice-​Presse previewed a variety of extracts.

Among our colleagues this June 26, he deciphers the ambitions of Nouvelle Energie: “It is a right-wing party that is very active on the ground but for the moment discreet on the media level, which is not a Republican movement. It has 10,000 members, 80 departmental representatives and 700 local elected officials throughout France.”

It would be “a true liberal party, which wants to talk more about education, culture, ecology, decentralization, the fight against bureaucracy, state reform.”

“No interest” in following Eric Ciotti

Still in the columns of Riviera Tribune, Quentin Hoster explains that the councilor does not intend to divide the right, which explains why certain candidates benefit from two nominations, that of the Republicans but also that of Nouvelle Energie. That being said, the next objective would be clear, “the president of 2027”.

“If he managed to make himself known nationally in 2–3 years, it is because he put words to evils, notably bureaucracy, which revealed him during Covid with its management of the crisis, by overcoming the failures of the State” he still argues, even if the notoriety of the mayor of Cannes remains to be strengthened.

HAS Nice-​Presse on June 21, Eric Ciotti assured that “we will, of course, have to work together. Moreover, contact has not been broken at all with David Lisnard, for whom I have a lot of friendship”.

Except that for Quentin Hoster, the person concerned would have no interest in grasping this outstretched hand. “Entering government would necessarily mean compromising with your principles, which no one can carry in your place.”



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