Local awards for national award

Local awards for national award
Local awards for national award

On Friday, June 14, an awards ceremony for the Resistance and Deportation competition took place at the town hall.

Young people from the third year of high school had participated in this national competition whose theme “Resisting deportation in France and Europe” was proposed to middle school students. It was in an assembly composed of association leaders, veterans, elected officials, and middle school students accompanied by their teachers and parents that was sung The song of the partisans , The song of the marshes et The Marseillaise .

Jean-Paul Deambrogio, president of the Commemorative Committee, and Fabien Lambert, deputy mayor of Roanne, in charge of veterans, elected officials and head of veterans’ associations, Mr. Servajean, president of the FNDIRP, accompanied by Mrs. Boucher, history teacher at Schweitzer College who led the students in their work, presented their prizes to the ten winners from the Roanne area.

Two diplomas of honor for the standard bearers were presented to Mrs Jacquet and Mazioux by Sylvain Bissonnier Director of the National Veterans Office.

The laureats. Léa Smith, Sarah Benafou, Nolann Jeska from Albert-Schweitzer College in Riorges, Vadim Vaudier, Tessa Hervy, Morgan Pupecki, Mia Jimenez from Jules-Ferry College, Sevan Groulard-Perdrix from Albert-Thomas, Camille Thinon and Sayaline Bah Miallet from Côte Roannaise College in Renaison.



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