LE CREUSOT: The children of P’tit EPAD visited the elders of the EHPAD

27/06/2024 03:15

15 lectures

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This Wednesday afternoon at the Parc des Loges, it was an end-of-year celebration for the children of EPAD (Etablissement Pour Adorables Diablotins).

All the children who attended the P’tit EPAD created 7 years ago were invited to participate in this funfair in the magnificent park of the Odelia EHPAD in Parc des Loges. Around a hundred positive responses reached us, explains Sylvia Bois, director of the crèche. Children up to 9 years old are welcomed. Well installed in the shade of the large trees, the elders were able to watch the children having fun like crazy in the bouncy castle, going on merry-go-rounds or even fishing. A little hungry and the churros would do the trick. And what memories for the elders! Inflatable castles did not exist in our time, a resident told us. But the festival was something important in the villages.

Children, Elders, families and staff, a wonderful intergenerational meeting which will undoubtedly leave beautiful memories.





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