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Legislative: “My objective is not to recreate the presidential majority”, assures Édouard Philippe

Legislative: “My objective is not to recreate the presidential majority”, assures Édouard Philippe
Legislative: “My objective is not to recreate the presidential majority”, assures Édouard Philippe

“Since the start of this legislative campaign I have very clearly felt this worry, this anger, this fatigue”Édouard Philippe, former Prime Minister, on France Inter. “Many people are disconcerted, don’t know which way the country is going to go, if its political stability is guaranteed”he said.

The programs of the “extremes” lead “to civil war”, launched Emmanuel Macron in a podcast broadcast on Monday. “We cannot question the results of an election before the results of this election and we must accept when we are a democrat the result of the election”replies Édouard Philippe. “Political leaders must first and foremost call for the values ​​of unity. It is very easy to divide, we must constantly ensure unity”according to him.

“A death trap between LFI and the RN”

Emmanuel Macron’s former Prime Minister says he wants to build “something more stable, more open”. He therefore intends to open his movement to a “left which exists, which expressed itself around Raphaël Glucksmann, that is to say a pro-European left, which does not renounce the market economy but which knows that it must be regulated , of a left that can and is used to discussing”. Édouard Philippe justifies this hand extended to the left and says to himself “certain that a very large number of French people do not want to be prisoners of a death trap in which they are locked between LFI and the RN”. He claims to be campaigning to avoid such a face-off during the second round of legislative elections on July 7. Asked by a listener about possible triangulars in the second round, Édouard Philippe refuses to answer before the vote. However, he promises to speak out on this subject. “on the evening of the first round and the day after”.

Édouard Philippe specifically denounces Jordan Bardella’s proposal to prevent dual nationals from occupying certain positions deemed strategic. The president of Horizons sees this as “a need to create categories of French people in their relationship to citizenship”. “Behind this proposal, there is something much more fundamental at play”he protested, had to challenge the voters of the RN. “Think carefully”, he urges.

“Part of responsibility” in the current situation

The former Prime Minister of Emmanuel Macron and mayor of Le Havre admits having “a share of responsibility” in the current political situation. “I am aware of not having succeeded in everything”he said. “To describe France as a France where nothing would work is an easy language that does not correspond to reality”, according to Édouard Philippe. The rise of the extreme right in France is linked, according to him, to an international context but also to the feeling of “downgrading, to the difficulty we have in responding to questions and problems that the French experience in terms of security, in terms of access to public services, in terms of distance from decision-making centers. We have not been able to provide sufficient answers to all of this.”he said.

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“I am attached to my independence”

His party, Horizon, is presenting 82 candidates for these elections. He is going to this election alone, under his own colors. It was not registered under the common label Ensembles, of the different parties of the presidential coalition. “I am attached to my independence”assures Édouard Philippe. “This does not mean splendid isolation, it is the ability to freely choose to work with others and I hope for a new parliamentary majority,” he said. He assures that this election is “decisive” but he recalls that he “this is not a presidential election.”

Edouard Philippe claims to have been “of perfect loyalty” to the President of the Republic when he was Prime Minister. “But I cannot give up my freedom of speech and not see that this dissolution and the way in which it was conducted put an end to what came out of the polls in 2022 and I do not believe that we should try to do the same thing again”, according to him.

“My goal is not to restore the presidential majority”

A few days before the first round of legislative elections, Édouard Philippe, president of the Horizons party, called this Wednesday for “a new parliamentary majority”, “more open” through a “grand bloc central”. “My objective is not to restore the presidential majority, but to reach out to the political forces who do not want to join the presidential majority but who can agree to make the observation that a certain number of priority measures are good for the country in terms of education, defense and justice,” he explains.

Emmanuel Macron’s former Prime Minister says he wants to build “something more stable, more open”. He therefore intends to open his movement to a “left which exists, which expressed itself around Raphaël Glucksmann, that is to say a pro-European left, which does not renounce the market economy but which knows that it must be regulated , of a left which can and is used to discussing”. Édouard Philippe justifies this hand extended to the left and says to himself “certain that a very large number of French people do not want to be prisoners of a deadly trap in which they are locked between LFI and the RN”. He claims to be campaigning to avoid such a face-off during the second round of legislative elections on July 7. Asked by a listener about possible triangulars in the second round, Édouard Philippe refuses to answer before the vote. However, he promises to speak out on this subject. “on the evening of the first round and the day after”.

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“I am certain that a very large number of French people do not want to be prisoners of the deadly trap in which they are locked between the LFI on one side and the National Rally on the other.” It describes the positions of LFI and the NPA “not only very often at the limits but very often on the other side of the limit.”

On the subject of pension reform Édouard Philippe considers it necessary. “The balance of demographic systems requires us to work longer”, according to him.



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