in Strasbourg, self-service cars celebrate 25 years of success story

in Strasbourg, self-service cars celebrate 25 years of success story
in Strasbourg, self-service cars celebrate 25 years of success story

Everywhere in town, we come across blue and white cars with the inscription “Citiz”. This fleet, which has made its place in the streets of Strasbourg, allows you to share a self-service vehicle with other users. And it’s very practical for Alsatians who cannot, or do not want to, invest in a vehicle. The car-sharing system, before existing on a national scale, actually saw the light of day on our streets almost 25 years ago. We tell you this epic story!

Increase in parking prices, paid parking at Neudorf, Crit’air regulations : measures are increasing for Strasbourg motorists, which can make owning a vehicle more difficult.

There is no shortage of alternatives, between the public transport network which is constantly expanding, or the cycle paths which make Strasbourg a paradise for traveling by bike. While it’s easy to do without the car on a daily basis in the city, sometimes the need can still arise… For example, to move a piece of furniture, do large shopping, or even go for a walk in the area.

And this is where comes in Citiz and car sharing: the cooperative today has a fleet of 400 vehicles in the Grand Est, of various sizes and reservable at any time, even at the last minute.

The principle ? Vehicles that you rent according to your needs, by the hour or by the day, to save yourself the hassle of owning your own car. We tell you.

© Julia Wencker / Poaca

Car sharing, almost 25 years of history in Alsace

The history of Citiz begins in 2000, with Strasbourg residents from different neighborhoods who want drive differently, more economically and ecologically. This is how Auto’trement was born, first car-sharing platform in France!

The fleet counts initially three vehicles, shared by 15 users. The project took off quickly: in 2002, Auto’trement co-founded France Autopartage, a nationwide cooperative network. At the same time, the offer continues to be deployed in Alsace, Mulhouse, Sélestat, Colmar, etc. before becoming Citiz in 2013.

Today we can find stations almost on every street corner in Strasbourg… and not only that!

Everywhere, for everyone

The objective is to be available in large cities, but also in more remote communities, and in the different regions of the Grand Est, in short: there are 40 towns in Alsace, Lorraine and Champagne-Ardenne, which offer a total of 400 self-service cars!

These last adapt to all types of users, from families to people with reduced mobility, including day travelers or groups of friends on the move. In the fleet, we therefore find city ​​cars, minivans or even minibuses, equipped with an automatic or manual transmission. We told you: there is something for everyone, and for all occasions!

Bischwiller, Rosheim or even Barr: new stations, new expeditions

In addition, the Citiz offer continues to make headway in Alsace and the Grand Est. First of all, 11 new stations have pointed out the tip of their noses in different districts of Strasbourg.

In Saint-Florent in Cronenbourg, Capuchins in Koenigshoffen, The Lazaret at Neudorf, but also at Faubourg-de-Pierreto the Haguenau square or even to Tanneries at the Montagne Verte… all have joined the list of Strasbourg car-sharing spots. All in a desire to give back the offer accessible to all residents of the municipality, even in the most decentralized neighborhoods.

© Citiz / Screenshot

But we don’t stop there, quite the contrary. Beyond the stations spread across the Eurometropolis, others flourish elsewhere in the Alsatian and Grand-Est regions. Since May alone, the municipalities of Barr, Rosheim or even Bischwiller who joined the map.

On the side of our Lorraine neighbors, new stations opened in Nancyas well as in the suburbs Laxouor even to Montigny-les-Metz.

In short: if you plan to make a Alsatian strollor even push the cart at those whose names we do not pronounce to discover the treasures hidden on the other side of the Vosges, It’s a no-brainer option. And that’s just in the Grand Est. At the national level, the choice is exploding: we leave you with the station map.

Citiz Grand-Est stations © Citiz / Screenshot

A car, without the constraints that go with it

Owning a vehicle on a daily basis is not necessarily easy. Between the hassle of parking, the cost of maintenance, repairs, insurance, gas, plus cleaning… It takes time, energy, and a lot of money. And if the use is occasional, the question of keeping the car may arise: this is where car sharing provides a lasting solution.

The principle of Citiz is that once registered online or on the app, you can have a vehicle in a few clicks, 24/7 and even at the last minute. All you have to do is reach one of the many stations in Strasbourg to collect the precious car, for an hour, a day or more.

Ici, no insurance, fuel or maintenance costs, the cooperative takes care of everything: it’s simple, quick, efficient. And thanks to the dedicated stations, you don’t even have to go crazy to find a place!

Freedom darling

The other advantage of car sharing is the freedom of movement that comes with it. No need to rely on another driver to book a ride, or to adapt to their schedule. No need to book a vehicle far in advance to be sure of having it.

With car sharing, there is room for spontaneous desires, last minute plans, unforeseen events, night outs or other joyful things, for an afternoon or a few days… And all, thanks to a local initiative, which has a bright future ahead of it! And to find out more or even rent a car, just click here.

© Julia Wencker / Poaca


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