“It is united that we have a real chance of winning”, insist the candidates of the New Popular Front in Bourges

“It is united that we have a real chance of winning”, insist the candidates of the New Popular Front in Bourges
“It is united that we have a real chance of winning”, insist the candidates of the New Popular Front in Bourges

The three candidates of the New Popular Front in Cher – Hugo Lefelle (PS), Nicolas Sansu (PCF) and Emma Moreira (La France insoumise) held a joint meeting this Wednesday evening at the Gibjoncs landscaped park, in front of more than 150 people. Two watchwords: gathering and mobilization

The New Popular Front appeared this Wednesday evening during a joint meeting of the three Cher candidates for the legislative elections – Hugo Lefelle (PS, first constituency), Nicolas Sansu (PCF, second constituency) and Emma Moreira (France insoumise , third constituency) – accompanied by the DVG mayor of Bourges, Yann Galut and the DVG president of the agglomeration, Irène Félix (deputy for Nicolas Sansu). Five votes, in front of more than 150 people in the Gibjoncs landscaped park, to express the weight of this gathering “which exists and succeeds in Bourges”, insisted the mayor, convinced that this union “must allow an alternative to government policy and to the danger that is the extreme right.”

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An alliance, which, if “it makes us the heirs of the Popular Front, the united left and the plural left, is a new movement,” insisted Irène Félix. A movement born in the “stunnedness” of the dissolution, whose candidates said the ambitions: the “defense of collective interests, “the increase in the minimum wage to 1,600 euros”, “the repeal of the pension reform and the Unemployment insurance”, “a right to health everywhere and for everyone”, but also “appeasement, dignity and humanity”. “In two weeks, we will restore social justice and harmony in the country,” promises Emma Moreira.

Yann Galut, mayor (DVG) of Bourges: « JI believe that in Bourges we succeeded and we are achieving what we want to happen at the national level, in around ten days. The gathering of the left, of ecologists, in Bourges, is a concrete reality, which we have been doing for four years to transform the city, based on our values.

These results last Sunday were a shock, and the violence of the dissolution decided by an irresponsible President of the Republic, who has pursued a policy for seven years whose consequences we see, has meant that we find ourselves campaigning in two weeks . I would like to welcome the gathering of the New Popular Front. We managed to agree in two days on a clear program of social justice, defense of public services, which highlights purchasing power, which has international proposals.

This gathering, from my point of view, must allow us to propose a credible alternative, both to the government policy which has led to what we know, and both, of course, to this danger which is the extreme right around the National Rally. Without ambiguity, as an elected representative of this territory for years, I call on you, from the bottom of my heart, to mobilize for our three candidates. »

Irène Félix, president (DVG) of Bourges Plus, deputy of Nicolas Sansu (PCF) in the 2nd constituency: “We are in a tough campaign, we must not hide it. Hard because the anger is present, because the discourse which has never ceased to pit one against the other and to make some believe that their happiness would come from the disappearance of others, this discourse is well anchored. It is the opposite of what we think, it is the opposite of what we carry in our collectives, our unions, our companies, our communities. Yet it is there. This campaign is tough and we need you until the last moment.

The New Popular Front is us, it’s you. We are the heirs of the Popular Front, that of 1936, of the united left with François Mitterrand, we are the heirs of the plural left with Lionel Jospin. We are the heirs and we are a new movement which has transcended just political parties to expand to the social base and I believe that this is fundamental. And precisely because we are a gathering, we offer you the guarantee that there is no exclusivity, neither of one nor the other, but that there is listening to each and every one for the benefit of the collective, that ‘there will be a construction which will be maintained between each other in a listening which must be respectful of the stories, the projects, the future, whatever the components of this New popular front that we represent here in front of you. »

Hugo Lefelle, candidate (PS/New Popular Front) in the first constituency: “Those who have the least, in Bourges, are here, in these neighborhoods. This is where there is no longer a doctor, where the city must intervene in addition. It is here that, faced with the changing climate, homes are the least well insulated and where people suffer the most from skyrocketing energy bills. Hugo Free

It is also for these people that we fight. So that they avoid a government regime which has no interest in supporting them, which mainly takes care of very large companies and the richest. But also so that they avoid the National Rally. He is the main enemy. Its ultimate objective is division, it is to install a climate of hatred, and it is the risk of having both, in the event of victory, policies which will be discriminatory and unjust, but also a unbridled speech and acts of violence which will be authorized and tolerated, to which we must be very careful.

We must refuse the truncated debate that Emmanuel Macron is trying to impose. It is not true to say that there is only one alternative to the RN and that it would be him. The policy he has pursued for seven years has made this far-right party grow. Faced with a result of the European elections which left us all stunned, he feigned surprise and plunged the country with amazement into a campaign full of chaos, too short for a real battle of ideas to take place.

With only one interest for him: to push aside the left and establish himself as the only camp of democracy. This, we must collectively refuse. It is the strength of the New Popular Front to respond to these forces of money, to these forces of division, to say that we will not let it happen. Yes, there are differences within the New Popular Front, but there are differences in all parties, in all formations, in all gatherings. And these differences come after the interest of the country, after the interest of the people of this district, of the rural communes and of all the districts of Bourges.

Emma Moreira, LFI/New Popular Front candidate in the third constituency: “We know today that we are stronger together. We know that it is together that we have a real chance of winning. A real chance to change the daily lives of millions of people and that is why we are gathered together today. Emma Moreira

You don’t know me, and yet I am part of this young generation determined against climate change. You don’t know me and yet I am one of those women who want to take the places that have always been refused to them. And it is in their wake that I register my resistance. We will no longer accept the paternalistic injunction that stifles our voices. You don’t know me and yet I am all these employees who stand together against the bosses, for better salary conditions. I am these men and women who have only their work force as their only salvation, and who expect us to never give up on wanting to build a just world. I am from that generation that is not afraid to get involved. I am not afraid, along with others here, to be in the camp of those who face the storms. If on the evening of July 7, Macron or the fascists win, together we will organize to resist.

But this scenario is only one among many. Because there is a real possibility that we will be the ones governing next July. In two weeks, social justice and harmony were restored in this country. We have gold in our hands: it’s this chance to be able to really change people’s lives.

Nicolas Sansu, PCF/New Popular Front candidate in the second constituency. In just a few days, we created a collection, a program and costings. Our program is costed, possible, credible and immediately accessible. This was the honor of the left and environmentalist forces and, beyond that, of all those involved in this New Popular Front. Unlike Nupes, it cannot just be an agreement of political parties. It must be a social and societal movement that ignites the country to enable us to win the elections and, beyond that, to carry out this project. Nicolas Sansu

We will have to fight to say that France is everyone, that it is the France of the towns and the France of the towers, the France of those who have always been there and the France of those who arrive today. It is the one who knows how to welcome the victims of Francoism in the thirties and who today welcomes those who, because there is global warming, famine, war, are rebuilding boats and trying to escape. to go out.

If we give up on the dignity, on the humanity that is ours, we will go down a very serious slope. You must never let go of that. And to never let go of that, we must be able to tell our fellow citizens that we are going to respond to their anxieties, their concerns, their demands, respond to the social emergency, the ecological emergency and the democratic emergency. To answer, we have a program. But beyond that we must have a soul. All together, we must have this awareness to say: we are here to work with everyone, to bring people together and to appease.

Valérie Mazerolle

Photos Pierrick Delobelle



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