Tangui Trévinal will dance “Notre-Dame de Paris” “as if it were the last day of his life”

Tangui Trévinal will dance “Notre-Dame de Paris” “as if it were the last day of his life”
Tangui Trévinal will dance “Notre-Dame de Paris” “as if it were the last day of his life”

Resume “Notre-Dame de Paris” for the end of the Bordeaux Opera season (1is-July 12), it was obvious for Éric Quilleré, dance director: “We are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Roland Petit, the choreographer of this ballet. It brings together the dancers, the orchestra and the chorus in the same production. We only danced it once, and that was in 2019.”

Created in 1965 based on the famous novel by Victor Hugo, with sophisticated music by Maurice Jarre and costumes by Yves Saint-Laurent, “Notre-Dame de Paris” therefore aligns the sure values. The only surprise comes from the character of Phoebus, the fickle captain who seduces Esmeralda and causes their deaths. This demanding role, with many jumps and turns in the air, was entrusted to young dancers in each of the two casts: Diego Lima and Tangui Trévinal.

“He has the physique for this role. He is tall, handsome, and above all he gives the choreographers confidence”

The latter will dance with no less than the two stars of the company – Mathilde Froustey (Esmeralda) and Riku Ota (Frollo) – and a principal dancer: Oleg Rogachev (Quasimodo). Surprising, when he is only 22 years old, and he only joined the Bordeaux opera in 2020? “He has the physique for this role. He is tall, handsome, and above all he gives the choreographers confidence, answers Éric Quilleré. The plateau galvanizes him. He goes there as if it were the last day of his life. »

Smooth face, natural smile, Tangui Trévinal does not hide his appetite when tackling his first exposed role, he who was trained at the Paris Opera school. “I want to dance as much as possible,” he said. I was already a replacement on ”Giselle” in December and, in contemporary, I was also cast in ”Woke up blind” by Marco Goecke or ”Sad case” and ”Step lightly” by Sol Leon and Paul Lightfoot. »

“Insist on contrasts”

In “Notre-Dame de Paris” the technique of her role is more classic. “That’s why we have to accentuate the moments where it is not, insist on the contrasts between the outside and inside positions, everything that makes Roland Petit’s style. »

Pas de deux with star Mathilde Froustey: “When you are with someone who gives so much you have to commit at the same level. »

Guillaume Bonnaud

As for the interpretation, he worked on it with Luigi Bonino, former emblematic dancer of Roland Petit and coach of this ballet: “Phoebus has such confidence in himself that he does not see the danger which threatens him in the person by Frollo. I wouldn’t say he’s mean, more like he’s pretentious. But there is also a happy, carefree side to him. He just wants to have fun. Especially with Esmeralda. »

Tangui Trévinal in rehearsal at the Grand-Théâtre: “Insist on everything that makes up Roland Petit’s style.”


Esmeralda, in fact, will be Mathilde Froustey, the star who will finally dance a major role at the Grand-Théâtre after an injury which kept her away from the stage for almost a year. Is dancing a pas de deux with her a challenge? “Yes, but we don’t think about it. Having worked for ten years in the United States, Mathilde has this very American search for efficiency. She gives me advice on how our bodies should be positioned in relation to each other. Above all, she wants things to work between us. When you’re with someone who gives so much, you have to commit on the same level. » A step towards greater responsibilities? “Tangui embodies the future of the company,” says Éric Quilleré.

Prices: 10 to 60 euros – opera-bordeaux.com



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