In Quimper, summer sales only to “play the game”

In Quimper, summer sales only to “play the game”
In Quimper, summer sales only to “play the game”


Lea Buelens

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 3:29 p.m.

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Wednesday June 26, 2024, the streets of Quimper (Finistère) are sunny, the heat is present, and the windows announce: -60%, -50%, -30%… No doubt, it’s the start of the sales. summer.

Rue Kéréon, 10 a.m. “Promotion” labels in hand, Nathalie takes care of the last items. “We started yesterday. When I arrived this morning, everything was almost ready. » The store re-released last year’s summer collection. She hopes “that there will be more people than the day before”attendance being down recently.

Where has the sales frenzy gone?

Inflation is the black spot of these balances. Buyers now prefer to buy ” useful “, she argues. Nathalie says she loves this period “rush” and regret “the frenzy of sales, where customers waited at the doors ofthe shops ». She still expects to receive people. Nothing to scare her: she knows sales well, with 27 years of activity as a saleswoman.

“There are new items every week, so we have a small selection for sales with -20%. We cannot afford more. » This permanent renewal causes the two sales periods of the year to lose their value.

At Les Petits Hauts, there’s nothing to change daily life. « They were already private sales last week ». The sellers now hope to sell “ something other than sweaters.” The arrival of good weather is what gives a little hope to each of the traders.

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A little further, at the ZHÂZEN concept store, we have sales “to play the game”, admits Margaux. She is “against private sales and the web, which cause sales to lose their effect”.

Here, discounts are 60% off from the first week. Unlike large brands, it cannot not return unsold items. This is why you have to sell everything.

Beware of scams

The Prefect of Finistère recalls some rules for avoid scams and deceptions during this period.

Among other things: the limitations on guarantees on sales are illegal, and that thesale and non-sale items must be separated to avoid confusion.

In Quimper, the summer sales will end on July 23.

The 2024 summer sales start on June 26 and end on July 23.

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