Legislative: candidates for the 8th district speak

Legislative: candidates for the 8th district speak
Legislative: candidates for the 8th district speak

Seven candidates and their alternates are on the starting line of the 1is tour this Sunday in the 8e constituency. We have chosen to present the candidates (in alphabetical order) of the 4 main forces from the Europeans: the National gathering, Ensemblethe New Popular Front et The Republicans.

The 8e constituency is composed ofWill haveof Berre-l’Étangof Cornillon-Confouxof Coudouxof Bigof The Barbof La Fare-les-Oliviersof Lancon-Provenceof Pélissanneof Rognacof Saint-Chamasof Salon-de-Provenceof Velaux and of Ventabren.

Alexandre Beddock
(New Popular Front)

• Substitute: Nadia Graindorge

Describe your background to us?
I grew up in Salon where I attended the Michelet school, the Jean-Bernard college and the Empéri high school. At 35, I am a director in a European NGO specializing in Human Rights. After several years abroad, I chose to return to settle in Salon to put my skills at the service of the region. I conduct workshops in the city’s high schools and at the detention center. I also participated in the creation of a Salonais citizen collective for the defense of social rights.

What will be the priority issues for you to defend in the constituency?
We are experiencing the effects of climate change here more than elsewhere: drought, rising temperatures, fires. I am committed to carrying out an ambitious plan for thermal renovation and construction of eco-housing at low rents. I will fight against unnecessary concrete construction, as well as for the effective rehabilitation of the Berre pond. This local ecological commitment will be for the benefit of residents who will no longer have to suffer the harmful and costly consequences of pollution.

And what will be the national priorities to defend with your party?
We all remember the heinous crime that struck a Jewish child. I want to remind you that we strongly denounce racism and anti-Semitism and violence against women, scourges against which the New Popular Front is committed to fighting from school, our history testifies to our commitments against discrimination.
My primary concern is to restore purchasing power to families. In the first 100 days of our mandate, we will reduce taxes for 9 out of 10 French people – whose salary is less than 4,000 euros per month per person.
Our program, supported by many recognized economists, including a Nobel Prize winner, is based on the contribution of superprofits, which will help small and medium-sized businesses and repair public services (school, health, etc.).
This is not an election like any other. With the total rejection of macronism, I am the only one able to bring together, beyond the united left, all democratic and humanist citizens in our constituency, to win against the extreme right. Every vote will count on June 30 and July 7.

Romain Tonussi
(National gathering)

• Substitute: Daniel Captier

Describe your background to us?
I’m 28 years old, I’m single and I live in Miramas. I completed part of my schooling in my city. After high school, I obtained a DUT in logistics and transport management before a Master in public administration and territorial management. Politically, I got involved at a young age with the National Rally, just before the 2017 presidential elections. I started at the grassroots, helping out with leaflets and posters. I was elected to the municipal council of Miramas in 2020, before running for the Departmental elections in 2021 in the canton of Salon 2 then for the legislative elections in 2022 on the 8e constituency.

What will be the priority issues for you to defend in the constituency?
There are two essential ones for me. Of course the rehabilitation of the Berre pond, which has not evolved as hoped by the population for 40 years. I hope that we will soon have 4 RN deputies around the Berre pond and we will be able to work effectively. The idea is in any case to work in the general interest with local elected officials. We can move things forward, they are not insurmountable financially when I hear that the reopening of the Rove canal is estimated at 40 million euros. Another ecological and economic issue to be dealt with is the GEMFI platform in Rognac which is going to be built. We are talking about the circulation of 500 heavy goods vehicles in Rognac in the long term, people only talk about that there. This platform could have an impact on the black lagoon of the pond. We will have to find solutions to limit the impact of these heavy goods vehicles on the environment.

And what will be the national priorities to defend with your party?
Already, the objective is to have a majority in the Assembly because otherwise it will be difficult to move the files forward. I think this is feasible, counting on the LR deputies. Thus we will implement the RN program with purchasing power, security and immigration as priorities. These are the key subjects on which the French expect us. And for me, the first thing to do is to quickly attack purchasing power, act on fuel bills, gas bills, etc. More and more French people are finding it difficult to live decently, we must give them hope.

Stéphanie Volpini
(The Republicans)

• Substitute: Quentin Guilleu

Describe your background to us?
I am 48 years old, married and mother of 2 children. I have a university education in art history and I recently resumed my studies by taking courses at Sciences Po as part of the personal training account for elected officials. I worked in marketing, communications and events. Today I am a trader in Salon-de-Provence. Concerning my political commitment, it comes from my two grandfathers who were municipal councilors, involved in the RPR. I have been a municipal councilor in Vernègues since 2020.

What will be the priority issues for you to defend in the constituency?
The new hospital of course. It is recorded but it is a very administratively heavy file. Today it is a matter of closely monitoring the continuity of the file and ensuring that impetus is given so that the project continues to advance at a good pace.
Another obvious priority is the rehabilitation of the Berre pond, a gem that I discovered after my daughter’s sailing course. I fell in love with it and when you are on the water, you can clearly see the difference in the water depth between certain sectors and the proximity of the power station. I want to work with associations to make it a place of attractiveness and sustainable tourism once the species have been able to regain their rights. This is close to my heart. Finally, among my priorities, I want to promote the cultural identity of our territory. Without forgetting that I am a fervent supporter of the return of tourism competence to the municipalities. Who can manage local tourism better than a municipality? Last point, as a second-hand textile retailer, I want to fight against fast fashion and pollution due to the overproduction of textiles.

And what will be the national priorities to defend with your party?
The return of State authority, respect for the Republic and its values. Safety is also an essential issue even if I don’t like to cultivate fear. It is about strengthening the powers and resources of the municipal police who are, in my opinion, often on the front line. Finally, we must put the value of work back at the center of the game. I see it with traders who often work 35 hours in 3 days and have difficulty earning a salary. We need fair remuneration for work and, to do this, reduce the charges that weigh on entrepreneurs.

Jean-Marc Zulesi

• Substitute: Philippe Veran

Describe your background to us?
I am 36 years old, married and have 2 children. Engineer in mechanical engineering, holder of a Master’s degree in business administration, I was project manager at Mirion Technologies before being elected MP in 2017. I have always been interested in politics thanks to my dad and I was very quickly involved with the Young People with Macron in 2016. I also created the local committee with Philippe Veran, who was my deputy for 2 mandates. The duo we form means a lot to me.

What will be the priority issues for you to defend in the constituency?
The new hospital in Pays Salonais. With the mayors of the sector and in particular Nicolas Isnard, I committed to taking the issue to the national level, which allowed us to obtain funding of 98 million from the State. But it’s about following the project step by step so that it arrives on time because there is a lot of waiting. Security, an issue that fuels the RN vote, is also one of my priorities. We have obtained a gendarmerie in Pélissanne, but we must follow the file and support Mayor Pascal Montécot. We also had 7 additional staff at the Salon police station. We must go further and encourage the presence of police officers on the ground by arranging the conditions for their exercise and relieving them of paperwork. I also want police officers and gendarmes to maintain a quality of equipment worthy of the name. There is of course this rehabilitation of the Etang de Berre on which I worked a lot. The reopening of the Rove tunnel to current use and the diversion of fresh water towards the Rhône are also issues that have been advanced and this work must continue. They will make it possible to recover water, push back the salt wedge in the Camargue and make the Saint-Chamas hydroelectric power station operate at 100%.

And what will be the national priorities to defend with your party?
Modify the SRU law to adapt the social housing policy to the reality of the territories. Act on the penalties imposed on municipalities and create a territorial commitment contract. In terms of health, we must improve attractiveness to encourage doctors to set up. Regarding national education, it is about improving the working conditions of teachers and promoting learning. Finally, on purchasing power, work should be valued so that it pays more.

The other candidates

Rémy Bazzali (alternate Patrick Peretti) pour Workers’ Struggle.
Celine Fanfan (substitute Alain Guarino) pour Ecology at the Center.
Jeanne Vigier (alternate Thierry Lemoine).



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