This 77m2 house is for sale for only €1

This 77m2 house is for sale for only €1
This 77m2 house is for sale for only €1

To attract new residents and revitalize its city center, the municipality of Saint-Amand-Montrond is selling a house at the symbolic price of one euro. Discover the details of this innovative initiative and the conditions to benefit from it.

A one-euro real estate offer: the objective behind this initiative

The town of Saint-Amand-Montrond is launching a surprising real estate operation to encourage renovation of old buildings and reduce the number of vacant housing. By putting a property on sale for just one euro, the municipality hopes not only to revitalize the city center but also to attract new residents ready to commit to this ambitious project.

Stimulate urban renewal

The main objective of this sale is to give a second life to abandoned or disrepair houses. By offering this house at a ridiculous cost, the municipality wishes to encourage future owners to invest in the rehabilitation of this infrastructure.

  • Reduce the number of unoccupied homes
  • Encourage the renovation of old buildings
  • Revitalize downtown

Details of the house for sale

The house proposed by the town hall has several interesting features which make it attractive despite the necessary work. With a living area of ​​77.18 square metersit consists of:

  • Two levels
  • A kitchen
  • Two rooms
  • A living room
  • Toilets and bathroom

In addition, the property includes a courtyard of 13 square meters as well as a garage of 16 square meters, thus offering pleasant outdoor spaces.

Strict conditions set by the municipality

Although this opportunity is enticing, strict conditions accompany this sale. Future owners must be prepared to respect certain commitments imposed by the municipality of Saint-Amand-Montrond.

Mandatory investment in renovation work

Among the requirements, buyers must provide a significant investment for the renovation work estimated at around 128,000 euros. This obligation aims to ensure that the house will be restored and can truly contribute to the revitalization of the city center.

Mandatory primary residence

Another imperative: buyers must live in this house all year roundThis commitment aims to prevent the house from becoming a second home or worse, a rental property, thus circumventing the initial objective of sustainably repopulating the town.

Why invest in Saint-Amand-Montrond?

Beyond this particular offer, the town of Saint-Amand-Montrond has various assets to attract new residents. Located in the Cher department, this town benefits from a pleasant living environment and several significant advantages.

A peaceful living environment

Living in Saint-Amand-Montrond means enjoying a calm and friendly environment. The region is known for its historical and cultural richness, offering a pleasant and charming everyday life.

Proximity to major cities

Although Saint-Amand-Montrond is a small town, its geographical location allows you to quickly reach larger towns such as Bourges or Clermont-Ferrandthus facilitating professional and personal travel.

Tax benefits

Finally, settling in Saint-Amand-Montrond can offer some fiscal advantagesparticularly linked to investments in the renovation of property listed as heritage.

How do I apply to buy this house?

If you are interested in this opportunity, it is important to know how to apply to acquire this house offered by the municipality.

Application file

To be eligible, candidates must put together a file that meets the criteria imposed by the town hall. This file will probably have to include:

  • Proof of funds to cover renovation costs
  • Written commitment of permanent residence
  • Detailed renovation plan

Selection phase

After submission of the file, a selection phase will take place where candidates will be evaluated based on their seriousness and the financial viability of their renovation project.

Conclusion: An opportunity to seize

The Saint-Amand-Montrond initiative demonstrates a strong desire to transform and modernize its urban landscape while attracting new, motivated residents. If you are passionate about renovation and keen to get involved in local community life, this offer could well represent an excellent opportunity to start a new adventure.



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