Moot court competition: taste in dress

Moot court competition: taste in dress
Moot court competition: taste in dress

This year, the Saint-Etienne bar wanted to participate in the pleading competition of the National Conference of the Grand Oath, and present a candidate who is a member of the Young Bar. There are four candidates who competed on Thursday June 20 at the House of Lawyers, and one of them was chosen to represent Saint-Etienne during the national competition which will take place on October 24.

In the end, it was Master Sarah Theilliere who won. ©JT If Saint-Etienne

« Is the lawyer a beggar of humanity? », “Inmates, forgotten by freedom? » or “Public opinion, chase away this prostitute who pulls the judge by the sleeve”. No, these are not the subjects of the 2024 philosophy baccalaureate and you do not have four hours.

These are the subjects which were proposed to the candidates of the moot court competition of the Young Bar of Saint-Etienne, as part of the Grand Oath Conference which will take place on a national scale. There were four of them competing at the lawyers’ house this Thursday, June 20: Me Paul Chargelegue, Me Cathy Giraud, Me Sarah Theillière et Me Halima Mellouki.

Grand oral

And it was a prestigious jury whose mission was to decide between them, composed of the president of the bar, Mr.e François Paquet Cauet, from his predecessor Me Olivier Bost, by Me André Buffard, the president of the Judicial Court François-Xavier Manteaux, and lawyers Coralie Francia and Jihène Gazdalli. It was Me Paul Chargelegue who introduced himself to them first, with the subject “ Is the lawyer a beggar of humanity? “. The young lawyer notably supported his argument by declaring that “ justice without humanity is only tyranny.”

Then, Me Halima Mellouki, who had opted for the subject of public opinion, gave the definition of ultracrepidarianism, which consists of giving one’s opinion on everything, without having any skills on the subject being discussed, drawing a parallel with Cyril Hanouna, or even Pascal Praud, ” when even before facing your judge, you are already judged.”

And the winner is…

Then, it’s the turn of Me Cathy Giraud on “Inmates, forgotten by freedom? “, who returned to the difference that exists between convicts and detainees, or even to the case of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, who has been free for 25 years. Finally, Me Sarah Theillière, who had chosen the same subject as Me Paul Chargelegue. A pleading not without humor, in which she drew the parallel between the beggar and the young lawyer.

After the jury retired for about ten minutes to deliberate, she was unanimously chosen to represent Saint-Etienne in the national competition which will take place on October 24 in Bordeaux. This is an opportunity to highlight the Young Bar, as well as the major themes of our profession. Congratulations for the work accomplished, in addition to your daily work, with great quality, declared the President, before specifying the winner. The first round at the end of October will take place like today, but the little surprise is that the final is an improvisation where we give a theme, and the oath is made ten minutes later. All that remains is to bring the cup home…



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