“No salary below €2,000”, defends Alain Le Fol, Lutte Ouvrière candidate for the legislative elections in Saint-Brieuc

What measure are you defending to allow access to housing for all?

“Already, we must apply the law on the requisition of housing. There is a legal text, so what is the prefect waiting for to enforce the law? The housing problem can only be resolved at the state level. Today, private companies have taken control of the subject. The State must launch a massive housing construction plan. »

Do you think it is urgent to supervise second homes? What about short-term rentals?

“Why do we end up with short rentals? As there is a shortage, there are always people trying to make money. To resolve this problem, we must also ensure that housing is accessible to all and at affordable prices. Decent housing for all at a fair price. »

What would be your shock measure for purchasing power?

“Increase wages. In the private and in the public. We should not have a salary below €2,000. They must also be indexed to the reality of rising prices. And how do we finance it? By returning the money to those who produce, that is to say the employees. And I’m talking about the profits made by large groups. It is from their profits that we must take, not from the craftsmen who are struggling. My candidacy exists to make the workers’ camp heard and it is against the RN which is a mortal enemy of the world of work. But all this can only be achieved by a real popular front of struggle and not by a so-called popular front of electoral campaign. »

Alain Le Fol is the Lutte Ouvrière candidate for the legislative elections in the first constituency of Côtes-d’Armor. With Yann Moreau, his deputy, he defends a candidacy to make workers heard and against the National Rally. (Le Télégramme/Julien Molla)

Is there an idea, a system, that you would like to defend to help the most disadvantaged in the region?

“All means to reduce the number of unemployed in France, like the Territory zero long-term unemployed system, is progress. But I am shocked to see that every time there is a business closure, it is public money and not company money that is used to help those who are deprived of jobs. I am for the ban on dismissals in large groups. And for a better distribution of work between everyone, also, by trusting the workers and their needs. »

Are you in favor of requiring doctors to be established?

“I am in favor of a fair distribution across the territory. I am in favor of the health service being a public service organized by the State. But by a State at the service of its citizens.”

The public hospital is on the brink of collapse… What emergency remedy do you recommend?

“In France, we are destroying services that are useful to the population to increase the army budget. First of all, we need to recruit staff. I would like to remind you that today no hospital could function without foreign doctors. The healthcare staff must also be listened to regarding their needs. And we obviously need to reopen beds and reverse the closure of local hospitals.”

How to resolve the issue of green algae?

“First, we have to go back to the origin. It is the result of intensive agriculture decided decades ago. We live in a society where we are in the race for profit. Green algae is one of the results of this race for profit which is protected by the State. So, we need to better control businesses and not eliminate public health controller positions as is the case today. And make those who pollute pay. »

In a constituency where the question of mobility is significant, how can we combine transport and the environment?

“At one time, we had a certain number of companies which chartered shuttles for their employees. Today, we have to ask ourselves whether, in certain companies, it is really useful to operate in 2×8 or 3×8. In reality, it’s just accounting choices, whereas with more flexible, more sociable schedules, we could push for carpooling systems. Public transport should also be developed much more. But, that being said, we are for the continuation of the southern ring road. Because, as it stands, we don’t really have a choice: people need their car to go to work. »

Farmers remain mobilized. For you, what would be the first measure to take to respond to their anger?

“The farmers were right to defend themselves. But the problem is the direction they have given themselves with the FNSEA and the Rural Coordination. Today, those who pull the chestnuts from the fire are the richest, the beet growers, the cereal growers. We must better distribute the price of labor so that farmers have the means to live rather than continuing to add fat to large and medium-sized areas. »

Are you in favor of transforming the Breton agricultural model?

“We are for reasoned production. Today, we do not produce according to needs. Producers need to take back control. They are the ones who know what is good for people and the planet. »

For you, is security really an issue in this legislative campaign?

“The first thing, for me, is job security. Job, salary, housing for everyone and that will solve 90% of the problem. Afterwards, incivilities exist. They are increasing. But there is also a disappearance of associative actors, of local police officers who existed to resolve these problems. »



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