the station footbridge has been put in place

the station footbridge has been put in place
the station footbridge has been put in place

This footbridge saw the light of day after “a long, difficult and bitter fight”, indicated the mayor of Pau, François Bayrou, in the municipal council on Monday June 24. The elected official once again made it clear that he had not appreciated the aesthetics of the structure. “I fought for months because I thought it was better to have an underground. They [les personnels de la SNCF, NDLR] have made numerous proposals, each as hideous as the other. This one is lighter, more stylized,” recognizes the first councilor. Its entry into service is scheduled for October 2024, specifies SNCF.

The location of the footbridge does not please opposition politician Jérôme Marbot. He considers it too far from reduced mobility car parks. Despite meetings between the different parties, “it was impossible to do otherwise for technical reasons,” explained Patricia Wolfs, deputy in charge of accessibility and all disability issues.

Positive point, noted the mayor, the footbridge thus located “allows access to the natural park on foot”.

Raised platforms

This installation is part of work to improve accessibility for people with reduced mobility, with elevators in each pylon. In addition to the footbridge, the three platforms must be raised to allow level access and the surface completely redone.

The footbridge stands out in the Pau sky.

Quentin Top

The lighting will also be reviewed to ensure better visibility, as will the sound system and screen installation. The cost amounts to 17 million euros, co-financed by the State and SNCF Gares & Connexions.



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