10 years of criminal imprisonment for the angel who became a demon at the end of 2022 in Roanne

10 years of criminal imprisonment for the angel who became a demon at the end of 2022 in Roanne
10 years of criminal imprisonment for the angel who became a demon at the end of 2022 in Roanne

The Loire Criminal Court delivered its verdict this Tuesday, June 25 at the end of the afternoon, after two days of debate. El Fazar Saïd was found guilty of all charges and sentenced to 10 years of criminal imprisonment.

After a first day of the trial which had revealed El Fazar Saïd like a very beautiful person by those close to him or,on the contrary

like an aggressor violent and cold by his victims, the five judges of the Criminal Court had to decide this Tuesday, June 25.

The aggressor of Roanne nights in December 2022: angel and demon?

After the hearing of the expert psychiatrists and psychologists, who took the stand in Saint-Etienne, the personality of the accused emerged more clearly in the eyes of the magistrates and lawyers. After the pleadings of the victims’ lawyers, the general advocate, Anne-Sophie MBih, requested 10 years of criminal imprisonment and 5 years of socio-judicial monitoring against the person who “persists in minimizing his guilt, does not thinking only of the consequences for his person. A “significant sentence which nevertheless takes into account its fragilities”, she specified at the conclusion of her requisitions.

Agree or disagree with the expert opinions

A version, intended to be partly in contradiction with the psychiatric expertise, already maintained by Me Jamel Mallem, lawyer of the rape victim, a few minutes earlier: “I do not agree with the experts when they speak of an emotional overflow to explain the passage to the act. I think that El Fazar Saïd is a rapist deep down, who gives the illusion of being someone else.”

Comments denounced by the accused’s lawyer this time. Me Raphaël Malleval relied on this “science”, this “knowledge” of the experts to explain the actions of his client, for whom “it was impossible to manage an impulse to do harm”.

Guilty of oral-genital rape and attempted rape

After a little more than an hour of deliberation, the five judges delivered their verdict declaring El Fazar Saïd guilty of oral-genital rape and attempted rape committed at gunpoint, aggravated violence and attempted extortion with violence . The 27-year-old man was sentenced to 10 years of criminal imprisonment with 5 years of socio-judicial supervision, and was prohibited from possessing a weapon for 15 years, from staying in the Loire department for 10 years and from ineligibility for 10 years.

Pascal Jacquet

More information regarding the debates in the paper edition of Pays Roannais this Thursday, June 27.

According to our charter, we publish the identity of an accused tried before a criminal court.



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