Attackers of schoolgirl threatened and harassed, complaints filed

Attackers of schoolgirl threatened and harassed, complaints filed
Attackers of schoolgirl threatened and harassed, complaints filed
ZAKARIA ABDELKAFI / AFP Sign during the march in reaction to the rape of a schoolgirl in Courbevoie, photo taken on June 20, 2024 in Paris.


Placard during the march in reaction to the rape of a schoolgirl in Courbevoie, photo taken on June 20, 2024 in Paris.

MISCELLANEOUS FACTS – Complaints have been filed for threats, harassment and dissemination of information allowing the identification of the three minors implicated in the rape coupled with insults and anti-Semitic violence of a teenage girl in Courbevoie, indicated this Tuesday June 25 the Nanterre public prosecutor’s office, requested by the AFP.

The Crime Suppression Brigade “has received several complaints and reports in the context of open investigations, in particular for the dissemination of identification details of the minors involved on social networks and for violation of the secrecy of the investigation”the prosecution said.

The prosecution also received complaints and reports “for harassment and threats against the three indicted and those around them”entrusted to different services of the Territorial Directorate of Local Security (DTSP) of the department.

Two 13-year-olds indicted

Two of these minors, aged 13, were indicted on June 19 for gang rape, death threats, insults and anti-Semitic violence against a 12-year-old girl. They were placed under arrest warrant.

A third 12-year-old suspect was placed under the status of assisted witness for rape and charged with the other offences covered by the investigation, according to the Nanterre prosecutor’s office. He is subject to a provisional judicial educational measure and is currently placed in a home.

These facts aroused great emotion in the Jewish community and the entire political class, in the midst of the campaign for the early legislative elections. The 12-year-old girl was raped in mid-June by young people her age who called her a “dirty Jew” and threatened with death in this suburban town northwest of Paris.

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