With more than 25,000 people waiting for a transplant in the region, how is the city of Villeneuve-sur-Lot working to raise public awareness of organ donations?

With more than 25,000 people waiting for a transplant in the region, how is the city of Villeneuve-sur-Lot working to raise public awareness of organ donations?
With more than 25,000 people waiting for a transplant in the region, how is the city of Villeneuve-sur-Lot working to raise public awareness of organ donations?

the essential
The entrances to the city will soon welcome a new label: “Ambassador city for organ donation”. A charter has just been signed between the different actors of this initiative, which is still not very present in the department and even the Region.

There are 4 actors behind this initiative to obtain the “Organ Donation Ambassador City” label. The first is the Doyen de la Bastide Lions Club headed by Eric Zézimbrouck; then comes Doctor Julien Rogier, coordinating doctor in charge of organ and tissue harvesting for the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region; then Michelle Remazeilles, president of ADOT 47; and finally the town of Villeneuve.

“We carry out a lot of actions to provide financial support for research into new treatments, for example. And like every year, on the occasion of national organ and tissue donation awareness day, “We contacted Doctor Julien Rogier to come and explain to the public the fact that each of us is a potential donor.” Prior to this invitation, a proposal was made: that the city obtain the label “Ambassador city for organ donation” with the support of the federation of organ and tissue donation associations of Lot-et-Garonne ( ADOT 47) and its president Michelle Remazeilles.

“I contacted Guillaume Lepers, mayor of the city and I presented our idea to him. He immediately gave his agreement and we began to write the charter with the support of Greffe +, a collective of associations in both civil society and the medical world behind the creation of this charter” specifies Eric Zézimbrouck. And Doctor Julien Rogier adds: “It’s a whole chain, from associations to nurses and doctors, which is involved in the harvesting of organs and tissues. For example, in 2023, 5,634 transplants were carried out. carried out and 27,500 people are waiting for a donor Due to a lack of donors, we have deplored in 2023, 823 deaths throughout the territory. elsewhere within the Health Center a team specializing in these samples.

The objectives of the “Organ Donation Ambassador City” charter

You should know that organ donation is presumed by law, except in the event of expressed refusal. “It’s a true act of brotherhood” summarizes Doctor Julien Rogier. Despite the commitment of health professionals, patient associations and all stakeholders involved, transplants remain insufficient, causing 2 to 3 deaths daily due to lack of organs. Raising awareness among the French and encouraging them to inform themselves and their loved ones is crucial. “The law requires consulting relatives on the wishes of the deceased. And although 80% of French people are in favor, less than half have spoken about it, preventing their wishes from being respected. A third of relatives, uncertain, are thus opposed to the sample” adds Doctor Rogier.

A green ribbon represents support for organ and tissue donations, it is this ribbon which marks the commitment of the ambassador cities to this cause. And it is to achieve these objectives of promoting organ donation that the city is committed to becoming one of these ambassador cities, the first in the department. Initiatives will thus be put in place in addition to the installation of these panels: an annual event, if possible on June 22, the national day of organ donation and recognition of donors. The planting of a tree of life, in tribute to donors and their families symbolizing the city’s commitment, is also planned, as is increased support for associations that campaign for organ donation and transplantation…

All of these actions, and many more, aim to raise awareness and increase the number of organ donations, saving lives every year. This is the meaning of this charter.



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