VIDEO. Wild boars at the foot of buildings in Hauts de Rouen: “We don’t know what to do anymore”

VIDEO. Wild boars at the foot of buildings in Hauts de Rouen: “We don’t know what to do anymore”
VIDEO. Wild boars at the foot of buildings in Hauts de Rouen: “We don’t know what to do anymore”


Adrien Filoche

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 6:56 a.m.

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An invasion. The phenomenon of proliferation of wild boars in Hauts de Rouen is always full. “It’s been going on for two years. There are really a lot of them,” worries Fatou, a resident of the Lombardy district. And added, annoyed: “Frankly, we don’t know what to do anymore. »

The wild boars are at the foot of the buildings

Fatou claims to have alerted the town hall several times. “We are told that searches are being organised, but nothing is being done,” she says bitterly.

The situation worries the Rouennaise, who fears a tragedy when children play outside. “The wild boars wander around the neighborhood in broad daylight, at the foot of the buildings. And they’re not small, they’re big! », insists the resident.

In a video filmed on June 19 by Fatou, we see a huge wild boar running between the houses. In another sequence, taken at night and dating from last March, around ten animals wander along the road. “Between the wild boars and the rats, we are really invaded,” curses Fatou.

What solutions?

The problem seems particularly widespread. At the end of January 2024, Ezzedine, after-school facilitator at the Clément-Marot school in Hauts de Rouen, told 76- how he had been charged by mammals. Last February, wild boars had also been spotted recently in Bihorel.

Questioned at the beginning of the year, the City of Rouen indicated that “several actions have already been carried out by the City of Rouen (installation of a fence near homes, sensitization residents on the best practices to put in place, buying a cage trap, etc.)”.

Questioned again, the municipality assures that “the number of complaints and appeals has decreased significantly. Under the aegis of the lieutenant of louveterie (a volunteer agent in charge of local wildlife), the subject is being treated and it will be treated over time.

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