Angoulême: flowery facades are growing in the city

Angoulême: flowery facades are growing in the city
Angoulême: flowery facades are growing in the city

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“It was an idea that had been on my mind for a while,” she explains. “I decided to install it because we were really down because of the rain.” She didn’t wait long for the results.

Growing demand

A few weeks later, the Savaya bar asked her to create a flower window. “It required a colossal effort. The whole team worked on the file, we even had to close the store to be available. »

“Passers-by are more tempted to come. Tourists also take photos of us. »

Since then, Art Alia has continued to receive requests. “The Bohème store, the Hespérides jewelry store, and businesses in Cognac and Bordeaux asked us to create creations for them. It’s crazy, it works really well. 2024 is the year of flowery facades. »

Decorate to be seen

However, she did not launch the fashion in Angoulême. When he moved to Saint-Cybard in 2008, Ludovic Poulard immediately put artificial latex flowers on the top of his window, À fleur de pot. “I didn’t yet have permission to put flowers outside and on the sidewalk, so it was a way for me to show off and get noticed in this new neighborhood. Even today, when people see our storefront, they stop and tell us it’s really pretty. »

Ludovic Poulard began to decorate his window in 2008.

Quentin Petit

A few steps away, Laëtitia Thorsch, the pharmacist from Saint-Cybard, also opted for flowers more than a month ago. “It’s a change from all gray facades. It brings colors and it’s warm. I installed this decoration so that people know that there is a pharmacy here with a different front from the others. »

The “wow” effect

In town, rue Hergé, Laurent Ponsaillé did the same at his Bohème clothing store for a second summer in a row. “I had seen that in Arcachon and Dinard, it immediately took my breath away. With this type of decoration, we stand out from the crowd. Passers-by are more tempted to come. Tourists also take photos of us. » The stores thus become “instagrammable”.

The La Bohème team would like a more imposing floral decoration for the coming years.


“In this way, traders catch the eye,” observes Aurélia Genet. When we see these kinds of decorations, the first thing that comes to mind is to take a photo of ourselves in front of them. What stores are looking for now is the “wow” effect. » A desire to surprise customers.

But be careful not to do anything. “There’s no point in using too much,” emphasizes florist Ludovic Poulard. Apart from making people suffocate and tire of flowers. »

With all its decorated windows, Angoulême is still far from matching the capital, where flower-filled restaurants are seeing their turnover skyrocket. At the start of the year, the Paris council decided to create a charter aimed at limiting their spread.



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