Legislative elections: postmen on strike in Hérault for the two rounds

Legislative elections: postmen on strike in Hérault for the two rounds
Legislative elections: postmen on strike in Hérault for the two rounds

During this election period, postmen are overwhelmed! In less than two weeks, in addition to the usual mail, they must deposit in the mailboxes all the professions of faith and electoral folds of the candidates for legislative elections. The Sud Solidaires PTT union has already filed a national strike notice for the first and second rounds and is demanding the payment of a bonus of 1,000 euros.

Marc Godard, general secretary of this union in Hérault, denounces a very heavy workload for the postmen. “In two weeks, that’s a phenomenal quantity of envelopes, knowing that in some families, there are three or four envelopes to distribute. You calculate on the number of people registered on the lists, that’s a lot to distribute over a period of time. very short, it will perhaps pass, but afterwards, it will be more complicated, the Post Office will hold the rest of the mail during that time, and the colleagues will not necessarily be better off. in relation to hours. This is why we are asking for a bonus which allows agents to be fired. But we know that this will not be the case, but it does not. doesn’t want to redistribute anything, and that’s what we say.”

Mail held to distribute electoral envelopes

Marc Godard also fears a delay in the delivery of the rest of the mail. “The Post Office will ensure that it retains the usual mail in order to be able to distribute the electoral mail. The mail will have to be passed on at one time or another. The passage of the electoral mail does not compensate for the mail that will not be delivered “We have evidence that this type of problem has happened in the past.”

Contacted, Management responds that all overtime worked by postmen will be paid up to 200%. Negotiations are underway to discuss the payment of this bonus.



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