Press release from the mayor of Sevran 06/25/2024

Press release from the mayor of Sevran 06/25/2024
Press release from the mayor of Sevran 06/25/2024

No, the youth center in the city center will not close!

I was grabbed by a collective of young Sevranaises and Sevranais, carrying a petition concerning the youth branch in the city center. They informed me, as well as the services in charge of summer programming, of the need, which they themselves justified, to keep the city center youth branch open for this summerin order to best relay the summer programming.

Our dialogue was constructive, since we plan to meet again for the organization of a youth citizens’ convention, which we hope to launch at the start of the school year. It will allow us to set up a body for dialogue and consultation but also decisions and arbitration on the issues and objectives of our city’s youth policy.

I would like to thank them for their commitment and their desire to continue our exchanges after the summer.

I therefore want to assert again that the city center youth branch will not cease its activities this summer, or even at the start of the school year. The city center youth branch will therefore be open all summer, like the youth branch of Beaudottes. They will offer a catalog of particularly varied activities.

In addition, and like every summer, the youth offering programming is also shared and grouped, in order to welcome more young people for more varied activities.

Before the JOP, this grouping will take place at the Perrin-Bernard school. Then, new this year, on the occasion of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, a Clubhouse dedicated to young people will be set up within Club 24. This Club 24 will bring together a large number of activities, entertainment, and a giant screen to follow the events, at Louis Armand Park, in the city center, from July 25.

Indeed, our services are particularly mobilized this year and the result is there: the number of stays, outings and activities has doubled, as you will see in the city’s communication dedicated to summer youth activities.

We hope to see you there in large numbers !

Stéphane Blanchet
Mayor of Sevran
of the Departmental Council of Seine-Saint-Denis

Contact presse : mayor’s officeville-sevran [dot] fr (mayor’s office[at]ville-sevran[dot]fr) / 06 75 24 29 51



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