200 caravans installed on agricultural land, nearly 20 tonnes of hay lost

200 caravans installed on agricultural land, nearly 20 tonnes of hay lost
200 caravans installed on agricultural land, nearly 20 tonnes of hay lost

A community of travelers settled again, this Saturday, June 22, on the land of a farmer in Manosque. In total, 200 caravans took over the operator’s 13 hectares this weekend.

Tire tracks and a crop literally crushed. In Manosque, it is impossible for Florent Pelloux to continue his hay production. Saturday June 22, caravans of travelers settled on its land of around ten hectares, causing significant damage.

“They planted stakes everywhere, I had watered in the morning so it was soaked. Ruts were formed. In a meadow, it is impossible to erase. The water will follow them, I would no longer be able to irrigate normally “, confides the operator and co-manager of the Bergerie des Bélugues, in Manosque, at the microphone of BFM DICI.

Tire tracks and a crop literally crushed, in Manosque, June 22. – BFM DICI

A lost harvest

A real blow to the operator who will also have to deal with pollution of his soil. “They are not very clean. They leave bottles lying around,” denounces the latter.

“Their defections in all corners of the fields, along the banks and all the surrounding roads don’t help anything. They also clean their caravans several times a day,” he adds.

On its spaces, a year’s work has been reduced to nothing, not to mention that a new piece of land is now also occupied. In total, nearly 20 tonnes of hay cannot be harvested.

Compensation would be provided by the town hall and the DLVAgglo, but nothing will be enough according to Florent Pelloux to “cover the damage, the stress and the number of hours wasted. To bring back culture, there is as much as at the end of the year. Travelers are said to be leaving the area this Sunday. The community did not respond to requests from BFM DICI.

Barbara Tornambé with Sylvain Allemand

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