The Courrier du Sud | Road safety: a multi-use path gives way to a sidewalk and parking

The Courrier du Sud | Road safety: a multi-use path gives way to a sidewalk and parking
The Courrier du Sud | Road safety: a multi-use path gives way to a sidewalk and parking

Residents of Ovila-Hamel Street in the arr. of Saint-Hubert misunderstand that the City of Longueuil will make a major modification to their street this summer by removing the multi-use path to replace it with a sidewalk and parking spaces. For the City, it is a question of ensuring the safety of future students of the new school at Parc Des Glaïeuls.

With the upcoming opening of this new school located on an island bordered by rue des Pétunias to the south, rue Pierre-Thomas-Hurteau to the west and rue des Jonquilles to the north, traffic on rue Ovila-Hamel, considered as collecting, could gradually increase from 3,000 to 10,000 vehicles per day, according to the City.

However, according to the City’s Street Size Guide, a collector street must provide a sidewalk. Furthermore, the City claims to have received several requests over the years concerning the security of rue Ovila-Hamel. It has implemented several developments in the past, including speed displays, road markings, boundary markers and flexible markers.

“The currently constructed pedestrian corridor was a temporary development dedicated to pedestrians, in preparation for the construction of the sidewalk to come this summer,” recalls the City.

According to Michel Masson, a resident of the area, this plan ignores the real problems. “They will cut our driveways and lots by approximately 1.6 meters using part of the easement to build a sidewalk. This sidewalk will not be lit because the street lights are on the other side of the street,” he alleges.

650 students
With this project, the City indicates that it wants to secure all active travel in the sector, namely that around the school at Parc Des Glaïeuls which will open its doors at the next school year and which will accommodate more than 650 students.
The City adds that several measures will be implemented during the summer in the neighborhood, in addition to a sidewalk on Ovila-Hamel Street specifically intended for student walkers. There is talk of signage (stops, school corridor, speed limit of 30 km/h on certain streets), sidewalk projections, sidewalk widening, the addition of a school crossing guard post, among others.

And the cyclists?
Mr. Masson also wonders where cyclists will be able to travel. “Probably on the sidewalks,” he says.

For its part, the City affirms that cyclists are not left out since new cycling facilities are planned on rue Pierre-Thomas-Hurteau and boulevard Julien-Bouthillier. “The work will be carried out this summer and accessible for the start of the school year.”

The City adds that the width of the pedestrian corridor does not allow the establishment of a bicycle link that complies with the standards of the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility (MTMD) which requires a minimum clearance of 3 meters, or 1.5 meters per direction.

Evolution of the neighborhood
According to the City, these upcoming developments respond to the development of the neighborhood and the needs of future students, their families and area residents and are part of the City’s vision of active mobility. It is directly in line with its desire to improve security around schools.

The City adds that the construction of an off-road sidewalk on Ovila-Hamel Street is a recommendation resulting from a traffic study carried out by the Marie-Victorin School Services Center, before the construction of the school.

Remember that parking was permitted on both sides of the street until 2019.

Duration of work and cost
For the entire sector, the City plans for the improvements to be completed before the start of the school year except for the sidewalk on Ovila-Hamel Street, work on which could extend until September.

The cost of developing the entire sector amounts to $1.9 million, including the sum of $860,000 for the sidewalk on Ovila-Hamel Street.



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