Conflict and unlimited bus strike in Beauvais, employees refuse a proposal

Conflict and unlimited bus strike in Beauvais, employees refuse a proposal
Conflict and unlimited bus strike in Beauvais, employees refuse a proposal


Adrien Deschepper

Published on

June 25, 2024 at 12:16 p.m.

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The unlimited strike buses to Beauvais has been in place for over a week, and is not ready to stop! Since Monday June 17, the network Corolis slows down in the largest town in Oise. Very few buses run, which forces public transport users to have to find other solutions.

The striking employees are demanding in particular a Salary increase and standardization of bonuses for drivers, controllers, mechanics and administration staff. This Tuesday, June 25, 2024, a “ service minimum » is planned on lines Chrono 1, Chrono 2 and line 3.

A “conflict” for more than a week

But lines 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, as well as the hotel-airport express shuttle, the GratuitBus shuttle and Chronopro lines 1 and 2 will not be served.

The dissonance between Corolis employees and their management does not weaken. And this, despite a meeting between union officials and Caroline Cayeuxpresident of the Beauvaisis urban community, and Jacques Doridam, vice-president in charge of mobility, this Monday.

To find a solution to this “ conflict which has lasted since June 17″, elected officials proposed the following measures to employees: 4% increase in basic salary, indexation of four bonuses (night bonus, packed lunch, attendance bonus and quality bonus), extension night bonus until 6 a.m., and payment of a purchasing power bonus of €500.

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Unions refuse proposal

Offers refused by the unions of Corolis, who decided to continue their strike action. Caroline Cayeux and Jacques Doridam “deplore that Beauvais residents continue to be the first victims of this situation”.

“Whether they are students, seniors, people with disabilities or simple workers, all impatiently waiting the end of the strike movement and a resumption as soon as possible,” assures the Beauvaisis urban community.

For their part, Corolis staff explain that “since 2021, the bonuses paid have been derisory while we are always asked for more and the commercial offer is deteriorating to the detriment of employees”. ” It’s time to reward the efforts made »explains the inter-union (CGT, CFDT and ST) in a press release.

” We are sorry for the users and more particularly for students who have to take the baccalaureate exams but we have no choice. Crumbs are no longer enough for us.”

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