First round of the 2024 legislative elections in Ille-et-Vilaine: results by municipality and constituency

First round of the 2024 legislative elections in Ille-et-Vilaine: results by municipality and constituency
First round of the 2024 legislative elections in Ille-et-Vilaine: results by municipality and constituency


Rennes Editorial

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 11:47 p.m.

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All evening, news Rennes is mobilizing to help you follow the results of the 2024 legislative elections in Rennes and in Ille-et-Vilaine with The Chronicle of Fougères, The Pays-Malouin and The Journal of Vitré.

The participation rate at 5 p.m. exploded and reached 59.77% in Ille-et-Vilaine. In comparison, at the same time in 2022, it was 42.27%.

Below, you will find the results by municipality and constituency throughout the evening. The cards may change color throughout the evening depending on the number of ballots counted and validated by the Ministry of the Interior.

Seven triangulars on the evening of the first round!

The results by constituency will be final when the ballots of all the communes and Rennes are validated. Potentially seven triangular races out of eight constituencies are possible in Ille-et-Vilaine!

Round 1: results in the 1st constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine (Rennes Sud)

Marie Mesmeur (Union of the Left), the LFI candidate, who was 17th on Manon Aubry’s list of Europeans, was nominated in place of the outgoing Frédéric Mathieu. She is in a favorable ballot with 42.31% of the votes, ahead Nicolas Boucher (Together) which garnered 31.88% of the votes and Jeann Rey du Boissieu (RN) which has 17.65% of the votes and can therefore remain in the second round.

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Far behind, Joëlle Le Gall (LR) obtained 5.01% of the votes, while the regionalist Sébastien Girard shows 1.32% of the votes, Valérie Hamon (Far left) 1.30% and Rose Vasquez (0,52%) et Frédéric Mathieu (0.01%) both Miscellaneous Left.

Round 1: results in the 2nd constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine (Rennes South-East)

Tristan Lahaie (Union of the Left), close to Benoît Hamon, is in a favorable vote with 40.31% of the votes, ahead of the outgoing MP Laurence Maillart-Méhaignerie (Together) which must be satisfied with 34.24% of the votes and Bérénice Vanhaecke (RN) which has 17.43% of the votes and can therefore remain in the second round.

Far behind, Christophe Decourcelle (LR) obtained 6.93% of the votes, while Florent Defrance (Far left) shows 0.99% of the votes and Olivier Hanne (Ecologists) 0.09%.

Round 1: results in the 3rd constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine (Rennes North-East)

Claudia Rouaux (Union of the Left), outgoing PS deputy, is in a tie with 36.77% of the votes, ahead of Charlotte Faillé (Together) which garnered 29.71% of the votes, just ahead Virginia of Orsanne (RN) which has 28.12% of the votes and can therefore remain in the second round.

Far behind, Victor Roulet (LR) obtained 2.52% of the votes, while the regionalist Mathieu Guichard obtained 1.69% of the votes and Jean-Louis Amisse (Far Left) 1.20%.

The RN comes first in the 4th constituency. (©-)

Round 1: results in the 4th constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine (Redon)

Jacque François (RN) comes out on top after this first round with 32.30% of the vote, ahead of Mathilde Hignet (Union of the Left), the outgoing LFI MP which totals 32.10% of the votes and Anne Patault (Together) which accumulates 24.06% of the votes and which can maintain itself.

Far behind, Jeremy Gilbert (LR) obtained 8.85% of the votes, ahead of Sophie Hubert (Sovereignist Right) with 1.43% and Sandra Chirazy (Far left) 1.26%.

Round 1: results in the 5th constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine (Vitré)

Christine Le Nabour (Ensemble), outgoing MP, comes out on top after this first round with 42.42% of the votesin front Françoise Gilois (RN), unknown in the Vitré region, which garnered 29.82% of the votes and Gilles Renault (Union of the Left) which accumulates 25.85% of the votes and which can maintain itself.

Far behind, Christelle Jarny (Far left) obtained 1.91% of the vote.

Round 1: results in the 6th constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine (Fougères)

Thierry Benoit (Ensemble), the outgoing deputy, comes out on top after this first round with 41.81% of the vote, ahead of Cry Marion (RN) which garnered 30.94% of the votes and Elsa Lafaye (Union of the Left) which accumulates 25.13% of the votes.

Far behind, Ludovic Hubert (Far Left) obtained 1.30% of the vote, Pascal Thevenet (Various center) 0.62% and Gilliatt de Staërck 0.2%.

Round 1: results in the 7th constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine (Saint-Malo)

Jean-Luc Bourgeaux (Various right), outgoing deputy, is in the lead after this first round with 43,33 % voices, in front Dylan Lemoine (RN) which is raking in 28,20 % voices and Nicolas Guivarc’h (Union of the Left) which combines 22,23 % voices and who can maintain himself.

Far behind, Christophe Fichet (Diverse center) obtains 4.88% of the votes, whileEdouard Descottes brings up the rear with 1.35% of the vote.

Round 1: results in the 8th constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine (Rennes West)

Michael Bouloux (Union de la Gauche), outgoing PS deputy and former mayor of Rheu, was elected in the first round with 52.28% of the votesin front Hermine Mauze (Together) which garnered 25.94% of the votes and Kelly Lucco (RN) which won 14.71% of the votes.

Far behind, Mahe Gargam (LR) obtained 4.93% of the votes, while the regionalist Maël Egron displays 1.15% of the votes, Fabrice Lucas (Far left) 0.96% and Camille Champalone (Ecologists) 0.01%.

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