Macron fears “civil war”, Attal, Bardella and Bompard will debate

Macron fears “civil war”, Attal, Bardella and Bompard will debate
Macron fears “civil war”, Attal, Bardella and Bompard will debate

Asked on RMC-BFMTV about the President of the Republic’s comments on the “civil war”, Eric Ciotti said: “I have the impression that this is a wish on the part of Emmanuel Macron.” He speaks of a “strategy of fear”.

“He wanted to sow fear, he is once again establishing this climate of fear.”

“In New Caledonia, it’s unprecedented, the urban riots, French society increasingly weakened by the inconsistencies of Emmanuel Macron, he should not come and give lessons,” says Eric Ciotti.

Even Marine Le Pen spoke of a risk of riots after the legislative elections. “We are faced with small violent groups from the far left who are calling for violent actions,” believes Eric Ciotti.

Far-right activists marched through the streets making homophobic remarks on the evening of the European election results. “They were condemned and we condemn all these types of statements,” underlines Eric Ciotti, who recognizes that there is violence on all camps.

“Let’s approach this debate with serenity” so as not to “add fuel to the fire as Emmanuel Macron does, we are not playing the country with dice,” he adds. “This is all ridiculous, I call on us to get to work in the coalition to turn this country around.”



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