26 million euros of work at the Brizeux high school in Quimper

26 million euros of work at the Brizeux high school in Quimper
26 million euros of work at the Brizeux high school in Quimper


Adele Leberre

Published on

June 25, 2024 at 8:44 a.m.

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Old wooden windows, leaks in the frame, single glazing, very noisy rooms… The historic building of Auguste-Brizeux high school has Quimper (Finistère) lost its luster a long time ago.

Listed buildings

The renovation project dates back more than ten years. It will only begin in 2024 after having been significantly overhauled to optimize the construction site and reduce its cost.

This reaches 26.23 million euros including tax.

It’s a very big project. The Regional Council invests 110 million euros each year in the renovation of its high schools. The particularity of Brizeux lies in its scale and the age of its buildings which are classified.

Forough Dadkhak, vice-president of the Regional Council in charge of employment, training and guidance.

19.41 million euros will be spent on the three wings of the main building. Since May, the west wing dating from the 1970s has been under construction. Once this first phase is completed in the summer of 2025, the two other wings built in the 1850s will in turn be renovated.

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40% energy savings

“Only the exterior walls and the cross walls will remain. The floors, the partitions, the joinery, the framework… Everything will be deconstructed,” describes Aurélie Charlou, project manager in real estate investments at the Regional Council.

The building will be insulated from the inside, allowing an energy saving of 40%. Plaster will be placed on the exterior to restore the initial appearance of this imposing building originally occupied by a religious congregation before becoming a college for girls.

At the same time, the Regional Council plans to restructure the ground floor of the boarding school to make it a real home for students. Currently, it consists of a few table footballs placed in a large, very noisy and cold room.

Fifteen months of work will be necessary to create a quiet space for studying, a space for meeting up, rooms for artistic practice… Just in front, the large red slabs of the square will give way to greenery.

A work by Toulhoat

Le bas-relief Armor by Pierre Toulhoat (8 x 2.3 m) located in the foyer will be repatriated near the CDI in order to truly highlight it.

Finally, at the end of the year, the catering service laundry will be refurbished in order to improve staff working conditions.

In March 2027, everything should be delivered, i.e. nearly 6,000 m2 ! Note that in 2021, a new scientific space was built for the 800 high school students. They will continue their education normally during the construction site.

This required a close organization between the Regional Council, the companies and the management of the establishment.

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