the municipality gives priority to access to employment for young people in the neighborhoods

the municipality gives priority to access to employment for young people in the neighborhoods
the municipality gives priority to access to employment for young people in the neighborhoods

A city contract for 2024-2030 was signed on Monday April 29 at Meaux town hall, which prioritizes access to employment for young people in the neighborhoods.

The signing of the city contract “Commitment neighborhoods 2030” brought together partners at the Meaux town hall, including the chamber of trades and crafts, the chamber of commerce and industry, the prefecture, the Department of Seine-et-Marne, BPI France, the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, the Family Insurance Fund, France Travail, National Education, the Banque des Territoires, Pays de Meaux Habitat, the Trois Moulins Habitat company and 3F Habitat.

The mayor, Jean-François Copé, declared: “We are lucky in France to have an absolutely exceptional partnership structure. This becomes a real know-how, from the implementation of this type of system to its evaluation”before concluding : “The result is there, we have renovated the neighborhoods in depth, contributed to social diversity and carried out personalized support work. ».

Supporting young people is field work carried out by the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Seine-et-Marne. Its president, Thierry Fromentin, comments: “We have three training centers spread across the country, where we receive two thousand one hundred and fifty apprentices. We need agents and teachers serving the craft cause. »

This is also the mission of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Seine-et-Marne. For his vice-president, Dominique Mocquax: “The objective is to fight against school dropouts, to take young people up to bac+2 or even 5, to make them want to continue. Work-study training is an important tool, because it allows young people to have a job allowing them a certain financial autonomy. Our role is to create training that meets the expectations of companies. » Close collaboration is in place with the Gustave-Eiffel University, or the University of Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne (UPEC). The CCI supported 1,768 young people from 2019 to 2023, as part of the State’s Skills Investment Plan. Its second axis is the promotion of entrepreneurship in priority districts of the city: “I am convinced of the energy that there is in these neighborhoods to boost the economy. »



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