Evry-Courcouronnes: the successful merger, the compensation system to be reviewed

Evry-Courcouronnes: the successful merger, the compensation system to be reviewed
Evry-Courcouronnes: the successful merger, the compensation system to be reviewed

The Regional Chamber of Accounts (CRC) d’Ile-de-France examined, during the past year, the management of the City ofEvry-Courcouronnes since the merger carried out in 2019. In his report, the financial judge notes that this merger was carried out successfully – in compliance with the texts -, all in a favorable context.

He further notes the high technicality of this “vast project”, particularly concerning the pooling of two different systems. “If certain services were already shared, the merger automatically merged all the others while allowing the city to function and residents to have access to their services publics”, comments the municipality.

The controlled increase in the wage bill

The Chamber also underlines that while maintaining, or even improving, the services already offered by the two historic towns, Evry-Courcouronnes has been able to master the rise why payroll. Compared to other municipalities of similar size, it grew half as fastin the prefecture town of Essonne.

This control of the payroll must be accompanied by a consolidation of human resources management”, however, observes the CRC, which adds that the City must still adopt working time regulations. Indeed, the compensation plansuffer of serious shortcomings in its application and management of overtime reflects a misuse of these allowances, in particular within the municipal police, which must be corrected”. The City must also strengthen the security of information systems.

Finances under control

The Chamber then judges that the finances are mastereddespite an investment program “too ambitious”. According to her, improving self-financing capacities will not make it possible to support the investment program provided for in the mandate. If maintained, this program would risk worsening “sustainably” the financial situation of Evry-Courcouronnes.

“It is true that the macroeconomic and social situation has changed since its implementation in 2020. Covid-19 and the strong inflation triggered by the war in Ukraine have not lowered this ambition, but the City has lucidly extended its PPI over two additional years, to be able to make all the investments that are necessary for it”, replies the municipality.

Indicating that it takes the CRC’s recommendations very seriously, the City assures that it has already taken the necessary steps to respond to them.



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