The “common sense” of a restaurateur in the countryside

The “common sense” of a restaurateur in the countryside
The “common sense” of a restaurateur in the countryside

A Salazian involved in the life of his commune. Within the Nout’Gayar Salazie collective, he did not hesitate to step up and block the road to denounce the repeated closures of the RD 48 and the impacts on the economic life of the circus.

When the dissolution was announced, running for the legislative elections was a “evidence” for the Salazien, aged 38. While in mainland France, he submitted his application as soon as he returned to the island. A desire to be “of course, to send messages”. “We stay in our place, we listen, we observe, we endure a lot of things and at some point we say to ourselves that we have to do something”comments the candidate.

Another “software”

The closure of the RD 48 was one of the triggers with “communities that just can’t call each other, tell each other what to do and how, for me they don’t know how to do it, we need consultation, that’s the basis, if we had been asked we would have told them that things were wrong”continues the candidate, from another “software”.

That of the world of business, catering but also training. A restaurateur, he is also a catering trainer for adults looking for jobs, “which gives me the legitimacy to say that I understand the job seekers, the young people, who are in difficulty at the moment”. He himself was a job seeker around ten years ago before making a career change.

Faced with big machines, “we go there with our heart and above all with freedom, without alliance, without labels, with our daily experience, what we feel”. If social issues, purchasing power or housing are priorities, he intends to co-build his program with the population: “Candidates arrive with ready-made programs, but have we been asked for our opinion? We need to consult with everyone before coming up with proposals.”.

At his side, a “active citizen”, professional home help, Lise-May Turpin. If he is elected, where will he sit? “Where it is coherent, in the most effective groups that feel common sense.”


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