Legislative elections 2024. In Saint-Nazaire, the MoDem supports Xavier Perrin

Legislative elections 2024. In Saint-Nazaire, the MoDem supports Xavier Perrin
Legislative elections 2024. In Saint-Nazaire, the MoDem supports Xavier Perrin

The centrist party is opting to support the various left-wing candidate Xavier Perrin for the next legislative elections, in the constituency of Saint-Nazaire.

Jean-Michel Texier is head of the Saint-Nazaire list with you and president of the local section of MoDem. | DR

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  • Jean-Michel Texier is head of the Saint-Nazaire list with you and president of the local section of MoDem. | DR

President of the MoDem section of the eighth constituency, Jean-Michel Texier makes known the position of the centrist party for the next legislative elections. A choice “Cornelian” according to him for the voters of the central bloc: « Il opposes reason to feelings, and each of the options involves issues. But a single objective sounds like a necessity, an obvious fact, a duty! That of standing up to the extremes: we say no to the LFI candidate and no to the RN candidate on our territory. »

He addresses a reproach aimed at former MP Audrey Dufeu (presidential majority): “The decline in the votes of the presidential majority in our territory is essentially due to the poor political management of its representative over the previous mandate, with a lack of consideration of local issues. This is why we say no to candidature d’Audrey Dufeu. » Ultimately, the section calls for votes for Xavier Perrin (Various left), “a candidate who takes responsibility for the decisions of his political party”.



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