2024 legislative elections in Lot-et-Garonne: Emeline Rey, a young politician alongside candidate Lepers

2024 legislative elections in Lot-et-Garonne: Emeline Rey, a young politician alongside candidate Lepers
2024 legislative elections in Lot-et-Garonne: Emeline Rey, a young politician alongside candidate Lepers

the essential
Final straight before the first round of the 2024 legislative elections, this Sunday June 30. Focus on the candidates’ substitutes in the 3rd constituency of Lot-et-Garonne with Emeline Rey who is committed to Guillaume Lepers.

Two jobs to manage, taking care of a young boy and an electoral campaign to run at the same time, Emeline Rey is a young woman who loves challenges. “A woman of character, behind the smile on the posters,” she says. The evening the dissolution was announced, she felt “dejected, but not resigned. As a young mother, I want to offer her another future.” So, when Guillaume Lepers asked her to join him in this lightning campaign for the legislative elections, she did not hesitate. “I am at his side for the person he is: an upright, constant man.” She rubs shoulders with him from the ranks of the opposition in the departmental council of Lot-et-Garonne. The thirty-year-old’s very first mandate, just a few months ago.

Read also :
2024 legislative elections in Lot-et-Garonne: Guillaume Lepers is filling up to launch his campaign under the seal of “courage”

Because Emeline Rey is still a young shoot in politics. Her first electoral campaign was the 2021 Departmental elections. She was behind Béatrice Giraud, former mayor of Frespech and elected official for the canton of Pays de Serres. When the latter resigned, she naturally took over. “I was a little stressed, but I had a good reception.” Files to take up – and to discover – the young elected official learns quickly. A faculty that comes from his professional activities. An osteopath in Laroque-Timbaut, she is also a winegrower a few kilometers from the capital of Roquentin, in Dondas. Health and agriculture, two “big themes where I bring my action”, and on which she could debate for hours.

“Through my profession as an osteopath, I am confronted with desperate patients, a worrying distress particularly due to the absence of a referring doctor. Removing the numerus clausus is not enough.” As for agriculture, the one who took over the family vines points out “the inconsistencies” which mark the profession. Foreign competition, a climate becoming more and more hostile, insurance that no longer keeps up, Emeline Rey advocates “specific support” for farmers.

Throughout this campaign, it aims to be directly linked to reality. “Our representatives are not on the ground, they are people above ground,” breathes the elected official from Pays de Serres who, at 36, also wants to “unite young people” around political issues. Guillaume Lepers was looking for someone who could “take the pulse” of the territory. The health professional intends to prove it.



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