Legislative elections 2024. 1st constituency of Haute-Garonne: can deputy Hadrien Clouet be dislodged?

Legislative elections 2024. 1st constituency of Haute-Garonne: can deputy Hadrien Clouet be dislodged?
Legislative elections 2024. 1st constituency of Haute-Garonne: can deputy Hadrien Clouet be dislodged?


Guillaume Laurens

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 5:55 p.m.

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It is a very prominent area of ​​the Pink City, in a way its magnifying mirror: the 1st constituency of Haute-Garonne, which was for a long time that of the “mayors of Toulouse”, today encompasses a large part of the hypercentre, as well as numerous sites d’Airbus and its satellites.

Seven candidates for the early legislative elections, compared to 11 in 2022

In this “circo” which therefore covers the city center of Toulouse, but also Blagnac, Cornebarrieu, Beauzelle and Mondonville, seven candidates are seeking the votes of voters in the early legislative elections on Sunday June 30, 2024, four fewer than in 2022. Enough to further strengthen the scores of the three main blocs?

Hadrien Clouet, the favorite

Quite widely elected in 2022 against Pierre Baudis (54.12%), son of the former mayor of Toulouse, the deputy (LFI) Hadrien Clouet leads this (short) campaign at the Palais Bourbon with the uniform of big favorite on the back, accompanied by the New Popular Front logo.

Researcher at Jean-Jaurès University, this professional sociologist, who co-wrote Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s program during the last presidential election, is aged 32 ans.

In the Assembly, where he pulled out all the stops for two years, the Insoumis was notably involved in the debate on pension reform – as leader of his party on the bill – or even in that on the regulation of the establishment of doctors.

Élodie Hobet, the surprise outsider

Faced with him, the presidential majority ultimately did not reinvest Pierre Baudis (who had nevertheless expressed his interest), but Elodie Hobetan opposition municipal councilor in Colomiers, who was preferred in particular for issues of parity.

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Elected in 2023 to the Renaissance departmental office on the list of Vincent Terrail-Novès, this designer and developer of new technologies (she works for Air France) from 41 ans, who was part of Pierre Baudis’ campaign team in 2022, therefore faces the (heavy) task of dislodging the rebellious deputy from the Assembly.

Lola Chambelin, the young RN in ambush

In this historically difficult constituency for the far-right, the RN sends to the front Lola Chambelinthe young collaborator of her group at the Regional Council, aged 24 ans only. This will undoubtedly have to share the points with Jean-Marie Trouilleta retiree, who will wear the colors of Reconquest.

For its part, Lutte Ouvrière is once again counting on Olivier Le Penven, worker at Airbus, where he is also a CGT delegate. The two other candidates (Evelyne Boujat and Alexis de Berranger) should count the points.

Hadrien Clouet, Élodie Hobet and Lola Chambelin will wear the colors of the three main “blocs” competing for these 2024 legislative elections in Haute-Garonne (©G.L. / D.-S.S. / - Toulouse)

The Republicans and the PRG absent from the ballot

Note that unlike 2022, the Radical Left Party, which rose to 4th position here with Pierre-Nicolas Bapt, will be absent from the polling stations. Just like the Republicans. Torn between supporters and opponents of the alliance with the RN, the latter are ignoring this election.

The candidates for the 1st constituency (Toulouse centre, Blagnac, Cornebarrieu…) :

  • Evelyne Boujat (Bastir Occitanie). Substitute: Jacques Larruchon
  • Hadrien Clouet (LFI, New Popular Front): outgoing deputy since 2022. Substitute: Hélène Magdo, municipal and metropolitan councilor of Toulouse.
  • Elodie Hobet (Renaissance, presidential majority): opposition municipal councilor in Colomiers. Alternate: Yannick Martin, municipal councilor responsible for transport in Plaisance-du-Touch.
  • Lola Chambelin (RN): collaborator of the RN group at the Occitanie regional council. Alternate: Dylan Pauthe.
  • Jean-Marie Trouillet (Reconquest): retired. Substitute: Anne Dirringer
  • Olivier Le Penven (Workers’ struggle): worker on an aeronautical assembly line. Substitute: Jean-Pierre Sertillange, teacher.
  • Alexis de Berranger (label not provided). Substitute: Arnaud de Berranger.

What did the last polls give here?

In 2022, Hadrien Clouet (LFI-Nupes) was already in the lead on the evening of the first round, with 39.79% of the votes, ahead of Pierre Baudis (Renaissance) and his 28.05%. Followed by Cathy Marsal for the RN (9.75%), Pierre-Nicolas Bapt for the PRG (7.13%) and Aude Battistella for Reconquête (4.70%).

At the Europeans at the beginning of June, the left still largely dominated the debates here, but the far right pushed like never before… Raphaël Glucksmann came first (21.10%) and Manon Aubry 3rd (15.99%). Between the two, Jordan Bardella (17.39%) garnered double the number of votes as the RN candidate in the 2022 Legislative Elections, while participation increased by three points…

If the step seems high, the RN will he manage to climb in the second round, and play spoilsport? To do this, it needs to bring together 12.5% ​​of those registered, but for Europeans, it peaked at 9.65%. Will the presence of Reconquest block its path to a possible triangular?

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