Drug trafficking in Canteleu: one year suspended prison sentence required against Mélanie Boulanger

Drug trafficking in Canteleu: one year suspended prison sentence required against Mélanie Boulanger
Drug trafficking in Canteleu: one year suspended prison sentence required against Mélanie Boulanger


Yann Rivallan

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 7:36 p.m.

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Long day at Bobigny judicial court. But soon the end of the tunnel for the trial of the sprawling drug trafficking network in Canteleu (Seine-Maritime). The day of Monday June 24, 2024 was dedicated to prosecutor’s requisitions for the 19 defendants in this case.

Among them, the former mayor of the town, Mélanie Boulanger, and her deputy in charge of commerce, Hasbi Colak. They are both being prosecuted for complicity in drug trafficking.

Exemplary sentences requested

After long hours, during which the public prosecutor returned to the implications of each defendant, the time for sentencing requests finally arrived. And the prosecutor hopes that the court will set an example with “a sanction which can act as a deterrent in the face of the risk of repeat offenses”.

Thus, she asked the president for “meeting” sentences for the two former elected officials, suspected of complicity in drug trafficking. For Hasbi Colak, it will be 18 months suspended prison sentence. For Mélanie Boulanger, one year suspended. Both also risk a 5-year ineligibility sentence and a fine of 10,000 euros.

“You are the first line of defense against drug trafficking”

After pointing out the lack of resources of the police in Canteleu to fight against drug trafficking and the control of the Meziani clan over the town, the prosecutor focused on the heavy responsibility of elected officials.

You are the first line of defense against drug trafficking.

The public prosecutor
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And to recall the duties of an elected official of the Republic, who also has responsibilities for public order in his municipality “as a judicial police officer”.

Due to their duties, Mélanie Boulanger and Hasbi Colak could not “turn a blind eye like everyone else”. Especially since according to the elements of the file, it appears to the prosecutor totally “obvious” that the two city councilors were aware illicit activities of the Meziani clan.

An intimate relationship that had “an influence”

Also, the public prosecutor pointed out the intimate relationship maintained by the former mayor and her deputy. An element which “obviously had an influence” on Mélanie Boulanger, assures the prosecutor. For what ? “Because she consulted Hasbi Colak more rather than other deputies, like the security one who could have been more suspicious. »

Likewise, Mélanie Boulanger “had ways to file a complaint, to denounce threats, to give names. But she didn’t do it,” argues the prosecutor. With Hasbi Colak, she “agreed for peace with the Meziani”, encouraged their integration into the city…

Hasbi Colak appears more involved in this regard. Close to the Mezianis, some of whom he knew at school, this “local child”, as the prosecutor describes him, became “the emissary of the Meziani and met all their demands for peace.” Even if it means giving them confidential information about police patrols.

Heavy sentences for the Meziani clan

For the protagonists of the trafficking, the prosecutor first requested 8 years in prison and continued detention for Mohamed M. and Camel B., the two main lieutenants of the Mezianis. For the family’s big sister, Fouzia, the prosecutor is asking for 3 years in prison, 16 of which are suspended. She had an administrative role.

Finally, for Aziz Meziani, at the head of the network, the prosecutor requires 10 years in prison, the highest possible sentence, a 2 million euro fine and an international arrest warrant. The latest news was that Aziz was in Morocco, the cradle of the Cantilian family. He was therefore never confronted by investigators.

From Tuesday June 25, 2024, the defense lawyers will begin their pleadings in turn and provide adversarial arguments. The verdict is expected on Wednesday.

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