EVENING FACT Ordisys is armed to face threats!

EVENING FACT Ordisys is armed to face threats!
EVENING FACT Ordisys is armed to face threats!

Created thirty-five years ago, the IT group based in Nîmes offers solutions to prevent cyberattacks.

Specializing in IT solutions dedicated to businesses, communities but also education players, the Ordisys group has succeeded in three decades in establishing itself in the very competitive world of digital information processing. It was in 1989 within the incubator of the École des mines d’Alès that the Gard SME took shape thanks to the will and ambition of two young entrepreneurs: Jean-Louis Bastide and Albert Lehmany. “At the very beginning of the creation of the company we had to develop centralized technical management to manage and control the technical equipment of a building, says Jean-Louis Bastide, founder of the company and current manager. But quickly, we branched off into commerce and the sale of computer equipment to individuals because in this sector of activity the financial margins, at the time, were considerable. »

Customer support, a priority!

While the premises located rue Tour de l’Evêque in Nîmes, where the…

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