The Gods have genius

To tell the artistic adventure of Gods are having fun, in which more than 300 Nanterre residents of all ages embarked, Ludovic Nobileau made seven models, like so many participating districts of Nanterre. His creations can be discovered as part of the Genius of places #4 (**), at La Terrasse, an art space in Nanterre, at the same time as the project led by ceramist Amandine Maas with children from the city. The artist worked with the CE2B and CE2V classes of the Pâquerettes school and their teachers, as part of the course entitled Art in games with the Louvre, the children’s service and La Terrasse.

« The children visited the exhibition “Olympism, a modern invention, an ancient heritage” at the Louvre Museum. My job was then to make bas-reliefs with them representing all kinds of sports or games. », explains Amandine Maas. “ I did a handstand, because I do them all the time ! », remembers Irina, in CE2B, who had great fun modeling and painting the clay. Amandine Maas also intervened in 13 leisure centers to advise the facilitators. The children registered there have created colorful, sometimes wacky, games that can be had fun with. Combining the artistic and the playful: a bet won by these young Nanterrians.

A two-year project led by the company XTNT, based in Les Groues, supported by the arts and territories center of the Cultural Development Department of the city of Nanterre and the Regional Department of Cultural Affairs. (**)

On the program for the Métropolitaine, an international contemporary art meeting in the Greater Paris metropolis.



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