Focus on car sharing in Seine-et-

The department is launching a study on the uses of carpooling, with the aim of continuing the development of multimodal stations as best as possible.

© Marie Digard/Department77

The department of Seine-et- is launching a study to mark ten years of the departmental plan for multimodal carpooling stations, launched in 2014 by the then president Jean-Jacques Barrot, with his vice-president Jean- François Parigi, who succeeds him today. “The study aims to better understand the uses and expectations of residents. In fact, we have difficulty measuring the role of car sharing, explains Brice Rabaste, vice-president in charge of transport and mobility. We know that 65% of Seine-et-Marnais use their car to get to work, more in rural areas than in urban areas, and that the vehicle occupancy rate is 1.19, which is significantly the same as the regional average.”

Car-dependent residents

The department has, however, invested in car sharing, because a large part of its population is car dependent. It is in fact not possible to run buses or cycle paths everywhere. Seine-et-Marne is a large department with diverse realities: it includes very important centers near public transport infrastructures; but it also includes rural areas that are poorly or not served.

Seine-et-Marne has rural areas that are poorly or not served. The executive is therefore banking on the development of multimodal carpooling stations (currently 22 in number).

The executive is therefore banking on the development of multimodal carpooling stations, currently numbering 22. The objective is to bring 40 out of the ground (without a precise timetable) to reach 100 to 150 local stations, installed in car parks existing. “Users often leave a sparsely populated area by car, leave their vehicle in the (free) parking lot of the multimodal station, which is located at a logistics node with buses, cycle paths and roads where there is traffic by car (expressways, highways, structuring intersections, etc.), explains Brice Rabaste. From there they are transported to their destination.” The study on the use of carpooling in Seine-et-Marne is currently available in 12 multimodal stations.

F. H.



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