The meaning and reasons for my candidacy (Aida Bodian)

The meaning and reasons for my candidacy (Aida Bodian)
The meaning and reasons for my candidacy (Aida Bodian)

On June 27, 2024, the 80 municipal councilors of the commune of Ziguinchor will elect a new mayor. Among the suitors, I am one. For what ?

A priori the position of mayor is not an end in itself. However, the concern to implement and perpetuate the intellectual and political productions of the inimitable mayor Ousmane Sonko invites me to assume my responsibilities in the face of history. My main concern remains and remains the consolidation and promotion of good local governance that Ousmane Sonko left us.

Without any pretension, I would never dream of favoring any ego. I understood very early on that to properly take charge of the enlightened vision of Mayor Ousmane Sonko, one must demonstrate humility, rigor and generosity (work sufficiently, work absolutely as a team, demonstrate great ability to ‘listen).

Elected mayor, I will ensure optimal conditions for the mobilization of all municipal councilors without distinction in order to benefit the populations from the different talents that make up the municipal council.

I am asking to be mayor because I will be a resident of Ziguinchor living daily with the people and whose heart will beat to the rhythm and rhythm of the concerns of the communities in whose name and for which I want to be mayor. I will spend my nights together with the people of Ziguinchor, I will dream of the future of my dear commune together with these populations and in the mornings, together with these populations we will give ourselves the means to positively translate our dreams into reality for the greatest happiness of all!

I want to be mayor with a view to raising Ziguinchor to the rank of reference cities in terms of attractiveness, influence, quality and living environment by drinking from the inexhaustible source of reflection and production of the generous Burok program driven by Ousmane Sonko and validated by the populations.

I want to be mayor with a view to consolidating and strengthening collaboration both with the decentralized structures of the State and with the various structures involved in development.

I want to be mayor because it would be an opportunity for me to help build the radiant image of a municipal family aware of the issues of the day: fraternity between all the actors of the municipality (elected officials, municipal agents, partners, delegates of area).

I want to be mayor to have the opportunity with the entire municipal team to implement the inexhaustible stock of proposals from the brilliantly designed program, developed by the irreplaceable mayor Ousmane Sonko and partially adopted during the first session held on February 17 2022 and which is summarized as follows (for information only):

– creation of new directions;

– implementation of new financial and social tools;

– creation of new municipal councils;

– institution of sporting and civic events;

Based on the orientation law of June 2021 relating to the social and solidarity economy which provides that each local authority must provide, in its planning document, a development program for the Social and Solidarity Economy in line with the strategy nationally, local authorities, in conjunction with decentralized administrative authorities, operationalize the national strategy at their level through the Social and Solidarity Economy development program included in their planning.

It is in this sense that the advisors adopted the establishment of the following structures and bodies:

– A Social Economy Department (DES) which has emerged and which only requires more support to be able to achieve the targeted objectives.

– A municipal solidarity department.

– A Municipal Fund for Economic and Social Development (FOMUDES).

– A Municipal Mutual of Savings and Credits (MUMEC).

– A Business Incubator for the Promotion of Self-employment (CEPA).

– A social housing cooperative

The supervision and financing mechanism, materialized by the complementary system of FOMUDES (as a refinancing structure), MUMEC (lever of a decentralized financial service) and CEPA (as a supervision tool), constitutes the basis of this policy of social and solidarity economy of the mayor of the commune of Ziguinchor Ousmane Sonko.

Concerning the institution of service, advice and events, it should be noted:

– the creation of a municipal council for the diaspora (like the municipal youth councils)

– the establishment of an annual diaspora week which will be a strong moment of fervor and social and cultural communion between the diaspora and its metropolis, but above all will allow the latter to prospect investment opportunities around panels, projects presented by institutional and private actors or small start-ups… also carry out evaluations of previously launched initiatives.

In the field of civic construction, it is envisaged:

– the creation of neighborhood development committees attached to neighborhood councils, responsible for implementing reforestation, beautification, cleaning, interventions in schools, organization of human investment, etc.

– the creation of a dense municipal civic service which will enlist and train young volunteers to participate in work of general interest and in raising awareness of the special citizen education program;

– the institution of a monthly municipal cleaning day and a week of annual major cleaning.

In the field of sport, the institution of an annual canoe racing event on the Casamance River in connection with tourism.

– the establishment of an annual triathlon (or biathlon) event in Ziguinchor with the aim of gradually making it a Casamance, national and international event coupled with a community Fun Run to encourage sports practice for all;

– the promotion of traditional wrestling with a flag of the municipality in the form of an annual tournament.

Apart from the deliberations of the first session, large-scale projects were launched. We will watch over their correct and absolute execution in accordance with the wishes of their author, who is none other than OUSMANE SONKO!

We will work to consolidate and even enhance the positive results achieved in the areas of civil status, education and training, health, social action, tax compliance, public lighting, of municipal civic service…

Ziguinchor, the city of the irreplaceable and inimitable Ousmane Sonko deserves everyone’s attention and commitment! Hence the meaning of my commitment.

Good luck to all candidates for the position of mayor of Ziguinchor!

Ms. Aida Bodian graduated in modern literature,
Assane Seck University of Ziguinchor.

Director of the public elementary school of Djibélor (Ziguinchor).

Current interim mayor of the commune of Ziguinchor.

Responsible for Djiguénou (women) PASTEF Ziguinchor.



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