Maison Courteline, a new inclusive living space

Maison Courteline, a new inclusive living space
Maison Courteline, a new inclusive living space

On June 13, 2024, the inauguration by the Les Bruyères, Soliha Centre-Val de Loire and Agévie associations of La Maison Courteline, allowed guests and neighbors to finally discover a project which required eight years of development and then work before to unfold itself.

In a superb setting, the rehabilitation of this old building located in a remarkable heritage site (SPR) allows the opening of inclusive housing and day care for the elderly. Maison Courteline (managed by Agévie) which has offices there, is now part of the district, with an entrance at the back of the nursing home of the same name (managed by the Les Bruyères association). As for the wooded and enclosed park, it opens onto the two structures, the smell of the old lime trees spreading throughout the surroundings on this inauguration morning.

An old building rehabilitated for the benefit of the elderly.
© Photo NR

Living at home and being accompanied

The building left vacant by the former congregation of the Little Sisters of the Poor now offers at 41, rue Georges-Courteline, six accommodations in inclusive housing adapted and supported for retired people over 65 or aging adults with disabilities. Each resident has individual accommodation to rent.

This is the choice made by Lana Polska, who has just moved into a 57 m apartment2 following the death of her husband. Suffering from health problems herself, she left the Mame district without going too far away to continue to enjoy its shops and the banks of the Loire while benefiting here from a safe environment, in conjunction with the reception service. day located on the ground floor of the building.

Day reception

Twelve places are currently available in day care for a space for discussion and sharing. Elderly people who continue to live at home will benefit from limited-time care here, during the day (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) during the week (Monday to Friday).

La Maison Courteline, 41, rue Georges-Courteline in Tours.



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