Legislative elections 2024. In Sarthe, this candidate calls not to vote for him

Legislative elections 2024. In Sarthe, this candidate calls not to vote for him
Legislative elections 2024. In Sarthe, this candidate calls not to vote for him


Frédéric Jouvet

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 2:20 p.m.

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Committed to the union, Clément Cheuret, 31 years old, launched into the campaign of anticipated legislative of 2024.

The clerk of Le Mans (Sarthe), representative of Unsa-judicial services for Sarthe, Mayenne and Maine-et-Loire, wanted to propose a alternative au centre so that the entire political spectrum is represented.

Having subsequently learned that a candidate from theUDI was running in his constituency, he decided to withdraw from the campaign.

“We had to have the whole chessboard represented”

Between the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly and the deadline for submitting applications to the prefecture, we had to move quickly.

Not seeing a centrist candidate announced for the 2nd constituency, Clément Cheuret decided to take the plunge, not without first trying to contact the Renaissance and Les Républicains parties.

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The Sarthois needed to have an alternative. It was really a lightning candidacy, I couldn’t give up, I had to have the whole political spectrum.

Clement Cheuret

“It was necessary to offer an alternative to the extremes with La France Insoumise and the Rassemblement National. Extremes tend to heat up desires and we need moderation,” underlines the clerk.

“There was no longer any reason to maintain my candidacy”

It was when the Sarthe prefecture published the list of candidates for the legislative elections in Sarthe that Clément Cheuret realized that a centrist candidate It includes: departmental councilor Samuel Chevallier (alternate: Patrick Desmazières) under the UDI label.

With the entire board represented, the decision was made to withdraw. There was already a centrist candidacy, there was no longer any reason to maintain mine.

Clement Cheuret

Once the list of candidates has been made official, it is no longer possible to withdraw according to the rules of the Electoral Code.

Clément Cheuret therefore calls for don’t vote for him but does not give voting instructions: “people are tired of being told who to vote for, they are intelligent enough to vote for themselves.”

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