2024 legislative elections in Nantes: candidate Mounir Belhamiti wants “a Republican majority”

2024 legislative elections in Nantes: candidate Mounir Belhamiti wants “a Republican majority”
2024 legislative elections in Nantes: candidate Mounir Belhamiti wants “a Republican majority”


Nicolas Good

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 4:03 p.m.

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On June 9, Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly after the results of the European elections. There is an uproar in the political class while early legislative elections are organized accordingly.

- Nantes has decided to give the floor to outgoing deputies who have decided to run again in these legislative elections which will take place Sunday June 30 (first round) and Sunday July 7, 2024.

Mounir Belhamiti (Renaissance) is one of these deputies. Elected in 2022 in the 1st constituency of Loire-Atlantiquehe relaunches himself in the nomination race.

He agreed to answer our questions.

- : Why did you decide to run again?

Mounir Belhamiti: I am not the type to abandon a ship in the middle of a storm and faced with the risk of extremes, whether it is the extreme right, although moderate in our territory of the 1st district, or the extreme left, that I saw the National Assembly messed up for 2 years and blocked the work, I assume to submit again to the vote of the voters of my constituency. I rely on their calculations and formulate this proposal for a Republican bloc, a Republican majority which can go from the center-left to the Republican right and which will tomorrow be able to govern our country.

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What do you think of the dissolution of the National Assembly, announced by Emmanuel Macron on June 9?

: I have taken note of the dissolution. At the time I understood it, given that the electoral defeat in the European elections was obvious and required a strong reaction. Today, with hindsight, I wonder about its temporality. I believe in a need for political clarification since we have reached a situation of democratic disorder unacceptable for a power like France. It was therefore necessary to allow this clarification. I hope that voters, particularly in my constituency, will clarify for themselves this need to have a clear majority to govern the country. I believe that temporality still involves taking a risk of not having this clarification at the end of the day. I am therefore fighting daily today to convince everyone in my territory that we must prevent our National Assembly from being blocked, our country from being blocked and that we have a strong Republican majority.

What more do you want to bring compared to your previous application?

: In 2022 we presented ourselves following a presidential election as a presidential majority. In fact, the President of the Republic put an end to this majority in this form. The presidential majority is no more. What we must build now is a Republican majority, beyond the simple question of support for the President of the Republic and his 2022 program. It is a new majority that must be constituted in which I wish to participate , beyond my simple political family, in the interest of the country, including by integrating programmatic elements which were perhaps either taboo or not a priority during the mandate which has passed and which had been made legitimate until then by the presidential mandate. This time, it’s a new election, it’s a new majority that must be built and I will participate in it, if I am elected obviously.

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