“We must not oppose the two facets of the global village of Soorts-Hossegor” for Mayor Christophe Vignaud

“We must not oppose the two facets of the global village of Soorts-Hossegor” for Mayor Christophe Vignaud
“We must not oppose the two facets of the global village of Soorts-Hossegor” for Mayor Christophe Vignaud

Is the duality between Soorts and Hossegor a characteristic inherited from a development at two paces?

I think that we should not oppose the two districts of Soorts on one side and Hossegor on the other. Some people on social networks consider that I do not take care of what they call “the northern districts” (the town of Soorts, Editor’s note). But I don’t think they’ve ever seen the “Northern neighborhoods” of any city.

It is true that historically, the culture of Soorts is not the culture of Hossegor, but I think that the gap is closing, and that the objective, that of living well for 4,000 people in an extremely preserved place, is the same in Soorts or Hossegor. We have the means to find solutions, many people who settle here come from other regions, the youngest tend to live in Soorts because the price per square meter is more affordable.

But everyone lives in a global village, and the cycle path that we have just created between the two is an illustration of this. It’s very symbolic, but it’s very important. In Hossegor, secondary houses become main residences, and my objective is to find structuring projects for everyone, all year round.

Over the last ten years, Soorts-Hossegor has been completely transformed. How to grow without losing your soul?

I have lived here year-round for twelve years, and I have been coming here for thirty-five years. The city has completely transformed, it’s true. Before, from October until April, we only had the Océanique and the Café de Paris as restaurants.

I think that the evolution of the village has taken place on several levels: the surf industry, the arrival of new inhabitants with the habits and demands of big cities, with many services. I also think that the population who comes on vacation is no longer limited to July and August, but also comes in April, May, or October.

There is also golf, water activities, demand has created needs, and year-round openings have multiplied. From an urban planning point of view, the Zero Land Artificialization law, the Remarkable Heritage Sites (SRP) rules protect us from harmful projects, require us to protect the living environment.

The implementation of 30 km/h in the city center, with the slogan of “peaceful city”, meets expectations in terms of travel and transport?

It is in fact an experiment that we are setting up, and as every time we impose a change, there is debate. Above all, I notice that many cities around us are seduced, and are moving forward with the same thinking. We must give users a feeling of calm and security, and favor gentle modes of travel whenever possible. We will take stock in the fall.



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