Why did the new inhabitants of this city choose Eure to move to?

Why did the new inhabitants of this city choose Eure to move to?
Why did the new inhabitants of this city choose Eure to move to?


Vernon Editorial

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 12:10 p.m.

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SATURDAY June 15, 2024some 70 new residents of Vernon (Your) met in the green Parc des Tourelles, at the invitation of the municipality and the Association accueil de ville française (AVF). Léa Petit-Boyer already seems delighted with her choice.

“I come from Toulouse where I worked for Airbus. My partner is a soldier at the Évreux base. I was able to join the ArianeGroup factory. I like the family and cozy side of Vernon, everything is within reach, or rather within walking distance,” she says.

Three groups

After a cup of coffee well enjoyed on this cool morning and the welcome from François Ouzilleau, mayor of Vernon, who briefly recalled the rich military, industrial and historical past of the city and who thanked Jean-François Field, president of the AVF for his partnership, the new arrivals were divided into three groups.

A first group discovered the Seine from the workshop boat Ladybird, whose president Jérôme Henry ensured the rotations accompanied by the pilots, Hany Mankarios and Serge Le Gal. “I loved going boating,” says Mélyna, 12 years old, just like her little brother Mylan, 4 years old, newly arrived in Vernon with their parents and the other little brother thanks to the responsiveness of the CCAS: “We are accommodated in Vernonnet, very close to the forest. It’s a pleasant setting. »

During this time, Benoît Cottereau, member of the Vernonnais Study Circle, opened the doors of the Vieux Moulin, the undisputed symbol of the city, and detailed its history in front of people fascinated by his erudition and his talent as a storyteller.

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Lauranne comes away interested. “I just returned from China where I taught French at the Alliance Française and at the university. The smallest city in China has 400,000 inhabitants. Here, I appreciate nature and tranquility. I found a job fairly quickly, but it was more difficult to find accommodation, which has now been achieved. I will see gradually how to integrate myself into associations. »

“Our main residence”

Returning from their coach ride commented by François Ouzilleau during which they were able to discover the Fieschi district with the paper mill which will become a cinema, the foundry which has been transformed into an urban park, the Espace campus and ArianeGroup, the most important city ​​employer, Laurence and Behnam are convinced of their choice : “I was born in Vernon, but I spent 40 years in Paris for work. Life there has become very difficult. We looked for a place that we thought would be a second home, but it became our primary residence. I continue to work in Paris and if it weren’t for all the train problems, everything would be perfect. »

After discovering the Seine, the history of the old mill and the tour of Vernon by coach, the new arrivals were able to enjoy a moment of relaxation with the mayor who wished them to take full advantage of the quality of life offered by the town of Vernon and with the president of the AVF.

They received a welcome bag and the Routard de l’Eure offered by the Nouvelle Normandie Tourist Office.

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