here Angresse (40150): continuous news and information from your town

here Angresse (40150): continuous news and information from your town
here Angresse (40150): continuous news and information from your town

The town: Angresse

What are the characteristics of the population of Angresse

In 2018 the population density of Angresse reached 272.4 inhabitants per square kilometer. Indeed, the municipality recorded a total population of 2,065 inhabitants over 7.58 km² of area. This locality therefore had one of the highest population densities in the Landes department.

What are the characteristics of the Angresse real estate portfolio?

With an area of ​​7.58 km² and a total of 2,065 inhabitants for 1,078 housing units, Angresse has a population density of 272.4 hab/km² and a residential density of 1.4 log/ha. They are both higher than those of the country (0.6 log/ha and 106 inhabitants/km²).

Some figures to know about the distribution of the municipality's real estate portfolio

There are currently a greater proportion of owners than tenants at the local level: 69% of main residences are occupied by owners compared to 30.9% occupied by tenants (including 2.1% free of charge). Among the city's homes, 6.5% are vacant homes, 8.7% are second homes and 84.6% are primary homes. Social housing makes up 4.4% of homes. Most of the 912 households settled in Angresse recently (between 2 and 4 years ago).

Discover some practical information on the distribution of rooms in municipal housing

The vast majority of housing in the city is houses (76.5%). Family houses with 4 rooms are the most numerous. They represent 37.7% of these and have a surface area mainly between 80 and 100 m². There are also many houses with 5 rooms (27.8%). Most of them date from between 1971 and 1990. Less common (249), the apartments are mainly made up of 3 rooms. Their average surface area is most often between 60 and 80 m². The apartments in the locality were mainly built between 2006 and 2015.

Characteristics of income tax in Angresse

There are a total of 1,257 tax households in Angresse. Nearly 46% of these households are below the tax threshold, compared to 51.4% in the Landes department and 50.2% nationally. The median annual income of tax households in the municipality amounts to €23,030, or €1,100 more than that of the country. The income tax for residents of Angresse is on average €2,050 per tax household. The latter is therefore higher than that of Landes which amounts to €1,236. Furthermore, 31.3% of households reported receiving a pension or retirement.

The percentage of income tax paid by tax households declaring a reference tax income below 50,000 euros is 26%. The contribution from households declaring an annual income greater than 100,000 euros is 41% of the locality's net tax.

Characteristics and practical information about employment in Angresse

Of the 1,283 inhabitants aged over 15 in Angresse in 2018, 1,048 were active, which represents an activity rate of 81.68%. The share of active workers was therefore 9.78 points higher than in the rest of , where the activity rate stood at 71.9%.

Among these workers, there were 132 unemployed people, the unemployment rate was then 12.6%. This is 3.5 points more than the country as a whole, where the unemployment rate reached 9.1%.



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